Winter Purchase Quandaries

It is SO hard to know where to spend money. Isn’t it? Money is a hard subject, we all know that. We know we need it for necessities. We know we’re not rolling in it. We also know we sometimes need to bite a bullet and make a big purchase or two. And sometimes, a handful of things come up at once and it’s a bit bigger of a bullet than you’re expecting. And you need to talk it out. So, here I am. Talking it out.

We bought the minivan for Brady to take the work. This was a very wise choice. It is SUCH a good fit for Brady’s needs! But as the snowy season rolls in, we need winter tires for it. Thats inevitable. As he’s pricing things out, we’re considering getting tires on rims for it. They’re not crazy expensive, they’d save the tires the fuss of being taken on and off every season, making them last longer, and rims save us the cost of having them changed at the tire shop every season. So that makes sense.

While we’re talking about rims for the minivan, we’re thinking rims for the bus also. We’re both a little wishy washy on doing that part this season, because they’re more expensive, and we’ve gone a few years without them. Yet, it would make the tires last longer, and once again eliminate the cost of tire changes. So that feels like it would pay for itself eventually.

Aside from the winter tires, we are seriously considering a garage heater this year. It would be SO beneficial. It would keep Brady’s van warmed, avoiding the issue of trying to run it and warm it up in the mornings inside the garage. It would just already be warm. It would also make our bedroom a lot nicer. Not perfect, but its already frigid up there. I’ve been sleeping with a heating pad for a couple of weeks now. Having a heated garage would absolutely aid in that. Lastly, our entrance is absolutely bursting with winter gear for months, spilling out of the closet and onto the floor. It is such a mess. We really don’t have enough space in our entrance for five kids trying to get dressed into winter stuff, plus a wheelchair. It was hard before the wheelchair, and now its next to impossible. So if our garage was heated, the outerwear could live in the garage. It would be SUCH a relief. It would keep the wet much out there, too. But! Even with a good discount, the garage heater will set us back a good amount of money. And we’re in the busiest season for plumbers, so I’m not even sure we could get it installed. Brady says it has to be installed by someone with a gas fitters license, which we do not have. Your basic Joe Handyman isn’t allowed to fit it. So again, is it worth it to buy it for SO much money if we can’t even confidently have it installed anytime soon? Ack!

So many decisions.

So little money.

Money is SO expensive.


I would welcome your input! What would you do?