Womb in Bloom: 30 Weeks

I don’t know why 30 weeks feels SO much more significant than 29 but WOW. Thirty. Somehow this feels a bit more like things are coming up soon! Maybe because I literally have roughly nine more weeks to go. And those nine weeks are FULL! Just off the top of my head, I have a road trip, a mothers day date with my mom, Solly’s birthday, a music gig and lots of practices leading up to it, worship leading, some church meetings, lots of prenatal appointments, my bestie’s birthday, wrapping up school and preschool, getting my hair and nails done shortly before baby comes, and the planning of our summer trip and the baby party. Sooooo those nine weeks are going to WHIP by, and I’m SO thankful, for all of it! It is the last day of April, which leaves roughly two months of pregnancy. Wasn’t it three months JUST the other day??? CRAZY!!!

Size Comparison: I mentioned last week that the baby’s size comparison was super odd and didn’t make a bunch of sense, and it would make even less sense this week. And I’m right! This week the baby is roughly the size of a cantaloupe AS WELL AS a motorcycle helmet. What cantaloups are you eating?? Mine are not the size of a motorcycle helmet. I wish! Also, I can’t get on board with her being shaped like a ball. I just don’t buy it. The other comparison I’ll mention from the same app is the platypus, which I could be fine with if I knew literally anything about platyp… platypy? Platypussies? Platypuses? Thank you, autocorrect. Platypuses. Googles suggests my baby is around 15.5” long and almost 3 lbs. *whispers* I think no one actually knows how big she is, which is why aaaaall the guesswork and bizarre comparisons. But I still enjoy it 🙂

Appointments: Nope. None recently. That’ll pick up again soon. My next one is in two weeks, barring any unforeseen changes. And then every two weeks for a while.

How am I feeling emotionally: My emotions are amped recently. I think just with her impending birth, and this whole long scary process finally being over, my heart is afraid and anxious and exhausted. I had an incredibly vivid dream the other day where the kids and I got in a vehicle accident. It was a current dream, so I was around 30 weeks, and in the dream, I took the biggest hit in the accident. Bambina had to be born very early because I needed many surgeries. The other kids had some breaks and concussions but were fine. Brady was at work, so he was unharmed. In my dream, I suffered enough internal damage that I wouldn’t be able to have any more children. And I beat myself up through the entire dream because I was SO thankful that my children were all alive and ok, but completely devastated at the thought of never having more. Sigh. I’m not trying to suggest this means anything deep, but it does show me that my anxiety is high.

How am I feeling physically: I think the most notable thing about my physical health is the amount of braxton hicks contractions I’ve been having! I’ve obviously had them for quite some time already, and I know they’re not strange or a problem, but I get them constantly. If I get up, and then sit back down, I have a contraction. Stairs are a sure fire way to have them. Brady rubbing lotion on my belly brings them on. If I’m stressed or overwhelmed, which is often enough, I have them. And they don’t hurt, per se, but to put it in a very practical way, my belly grows as my uterus grows, and my uterus turns rock hard when I have a contraction. So the bigger I get, the more uncomfortable these are, because the rock weighing me down is bigger and bigger. But I can hack it. I can’t explain just how open I am to all of the pregnancy discomforts this time around. I will take them all!

Wish Lish/Purchases: Jerilee and I have our annual girls trip this coming weekend, FINALLY! I’m looking forward to satisfying a few of my purchasing aches there 🙂 I did recently put in an order online, but of course, its not here yet. It included a few little things for Bambina that I’ll show you once it comes. I may do a bit of a haul for her after our road trip so you can see all of her new goodies!

Pictures: Behold, the bumpity bump!

“Bumpity bump” sounds small, and what I have going on over here is NOT small. But honestly, I super love it <3 I love being pregnant, even considering the discomforts, and the fear factor this time around. It is SUCH a privilege to be able to carry and grow a baby within my body, and I don’t take it for granted. I’m pretty happy with the whole thing, big belly and all!

How are the kids feeling: As I predicted, when we went to the lake the other day, the question came up about the baby. Wasn’t she supposed to come to the lake with us? I explained that she would come on our big lake vacay when the time came, but she wasn’t ready to come out just yet. Once that was cleared up, the kids all started excitedly about all the things they loved about the lake, and speculating whether or not she will like them too. I was instructed to tell her about certain parts of the playground, what we could build out of the sand, where we’d walk, and what would be yummy to eat. They are SO eager for her to join our family! As am I. She received many hugs and kisses as the kids ran from thing to thing on the playground. She is never out of their minds, it seems.

Getting to know the baby: I had a dream (better than the other one!) that took place a ways down the road, once our sweet girl was born and safe home. In the dream, I called her by a nickname that I hadn’t previous thought of outside of the dream, which was SO exciting for me to wake up to! Once again, not to completely dangle the name in front of you, but I can’t share the nickname on here because it involves her name, but eeeeek!! I just can’t wait. I know her name is going to come so naturally the moment we have her in our arms! Its already far too natural. I almost slip and give it away on a regular basis.

The BEST part of being pregnant: This is a weird one this week, haha! The best part of being this pregnant and this large is finally fitting the items I have that only fit me when I’m big and pregnant. I’m one of those weirdos that kind of only grows in my belly, so the pairs of maternity jeans that fit my legs and bum nicely are worn all year round, especially since discovering the Gap ones with the inset panels that just fit like regular jeans. Shirts are another story, however. Some of them are strong and great quality and shrink back when I don’t have a belly to fill them with. Basically, many are just nice long shirt with gathers down the sides. However, many of the tank tops I own have been worn pretty much to death. They’re stretched out and have been a bit saggy, until now!! All of my soft maternity tank tops from Thyme and the Gap finally fit my belly and boobs nicely again, and I can feel less like a frump and more just like a pregnant woman. So I kind of like that part of being pregnant right now 😉

Favourite thing: Guys!! My brush is probably my FAVORITE thing these days!! I had heard magical things about the “Wet” brush, but consistently forgot to pick one up when I was getting my hair done. Apparently they just don’t pull. Ever. Being that I make two of my children cry almost every day when I brush their hair, we could’ve really used this thing sooner. I discovered they not only sold them in salons, but some Walmart locations, recently, and I bought one for the kids. And guys. WHAT a difference!! It still pulls a bit, because there are still tangles, but somehow it barely hurts them! What is this witchcraft?? In the last few weeks, I’ve been finding myself neglecting to brush my hair until I get down to the kids, and then I just use theirs. Every. Morning. So I finally gave in and bought myself one, and I’m SO glad I did!! You know when you’re brushing your hair and you can see the loose, broken ones hitting the floor after they’re unceremoniously ripped from your head? I have almost NONE of that! I know, because I’m pregnant, I shed WAY less, but even now, when I use my old brush, I lose WAY more! This is THE BRUSH to get, for kids and adults alike! Brady even uses it to brush his beard.

Yes, I like purple. Don’t question it. Or the fact that I didn’t clean out either brush before photographing it.

So in between trying to get this post up, today has actually been a TOTAL gong show! I’m so tired, hahaha! But it’ll make for a good story, so tune in for that tomorrow!