Womb in Bloom: 39 Weeks

This is the week, guys. THIS WEEK! We WILL meet our baby this week! We WILL hold her! We WILL smell her! We WILL share her! We WILL tell everyone her name! Hahaha! Its about flipping time, on ALL levels, do we agree? Yes, we do.

Size Comparison: Apparently she is the size of an american short haired cat. Sure, I can roll with that. I bet she smells better, though! Very soon, we’ll know her actual size!! Eek! Why is that such a fun part?!

Appointments: You may have seen, we went to my last prenatal appointment (for this pregnancy, anyway) as a family. The kids did pretty great, actually! Our doctors are so good to them, and include them in the conversation often. (PICTURE) I had my cervix checked, where I learned that I’m basically still completely out of labour, at only 1 cm dilated. No biggie. Baby’s heart rate was good, still in the 130-140 range. I somehow managed to lose 3-4 lbs *shrug* Couldn’t tell you how that happened! As a whole, I gained only 19 lbs this pregnancy! Don’t judge me, I never try to gain or not gain anything. I just roll with whatever happens. Keep in mind, I gained 45 lbs with Dekker and 22 lbs with Solly, and both boys were a SOLID 10.5 lbs. No one is hurting over here. 

How am I feeling emotionally: Determined. I’m still scared, and I’m still excited, but I’m READY to have her. I’ve never been more ready.

How am I feeling physically: It doesn’t even matter. I guess I feel out of breath most of the time? But truly, who cares? My physical feelings are SO secondary to everything else. 

Wish Lish/Purchases: My wish list is just my baby, and nothing else. I need nothing else for her. Everything is ready. We have what we want. We NEED her.

Pictures: Last belly shot against this wall before the whole structure changes.

She’ll be on the outside of my body, and either snuggled against me or eventually propped up, but likely still in the same safe little space in my bedroom, against this plain old wall.

How are the kids feeling: Solly says “baby” and rubs my tummy now. If even the two year old is catching on, you know we’ve been talking about Bambina a LOT! 

Getting to know the baby: No more speculating. I will tell you ALL the real fun facts about her as soon as I know them!

The BEST part of being pregnant: Having the opportunity to be pregnant. My instinct is to write that the best part of being pregnant is NOT being pregnant anymore, because its how I feel today, but I know how fortunate I am to have this opportunity, much less so many times. The BEST thing about being pregnant is knowing I have been that way for long enough to deliver a full term baby, and I can be content in knowing I’ve done my best. 

Favourite thing: My favourite thing for todays post is my medical team. I have the BEST people in ALL the fields! I have the BEST doctor, which has never been in question. I have an AMAZING student doctor who loves Dr. Guselle just as much as I do, and is excited to learn from her! I have the BEST chiro and physio that have physically kept me standing throughout this pregnancy. I had the SWEETEST OB through my first trimester who always told me she liked seeing me and never made me feel like a bother. My husband – partner in crime, father of my children, birth partner, etc. – is an integral part of my medical team, as well. I could not still be here without any of these puzzle pieces. I am confident I will be surrounded by the BEST support system the hospital has to offer, because the nurses are all wonderful and amazing in their fields. I am SO well taken care of, and SO thankful for that!! 

I remember when I was pregnant with Dekker, everything was so surreal. So unbelievable. I had no idea what was coming or what to expect. No book could’ve prepared me. I was so naive, and that was fine. It was SUCH a joyful time, experiencing motherhood for the very first time. I feel just as young and silly and lost this time around. I hope my instincts come back, because these days, I feel like I will be completely green with a newborn. Lucky for me, infants tend to be pretty forgiving in most departments. Or at least I hope so! 

Hopefully hopefully hopefully…