
It has felt like a very full week! I know I don’t have a whole lot to show for it, but I’ve found myself busy, a little ragged, and somewhat unproductive. I can’t tell you if its because I’ve been busy with other things or just full in the brain but whew! Time moved fast this week!

That being said, tomorrow is another eventful day, and I won’t be home much for it. I won’t have a Finish Friday post, but not due to a lack of trying! I just know I don’t have enough minutes before then to show off anything of substance. There will be many more Fridays 💜

Most days, I crochet in my bed until its time to sleep. I know its time to sleep when I start losing stitches. I’ll go into my stitch, pull up my loop, and then when I hook the yarn to pull through the stitch, I miss, and pull my stitch right out. No damage is done, and I simply slip the hook back into the work and go again. But then it happens again, and again, and finally its just clear I’m not longer awake enough to crochet.

Unfortunately, my body is doing the same thing to me this afternoon. I am positively dragging. But that is just something I’ll have to get through 🙂 The day is still beautiful! I still hope we go for a walk this evening! I am constantly daydreaming about summer and the lake and creating and selling beautiful things at a nearby farmers market. Its going to be a busy, but beautiful season!

Quick. If you were at a farmers market and saw my table, what would you hope was on it? Kitchenwares? Market bags? Plant hangers? Novelty? Simple? Hit me with your ideas and whats trendy! I welcome all input and ideas!