Wow July. Just…wow.

I’m really loving this morning. At first, not so much, but now for sure. Dekker has a new fun thing he does, where he wakes up at 8:00. I know, I know, 8:00 am is great right? Not when it used to be 10:00. Either way, I was awake earlier than I usually prefer to be. Not a huge deal. I got up and got dressed. Its kind of strange how sometimes real clothes feel better than jammies. I got Dekker up and he ate and played like a champ. I discovered that, as of today, Dekker claps when asked! He’s clapped for a while but as soon as you would clap back, he would stop or get distracted. But while he was playing, I just asked “Dekker, would you clap?” and no hesitation! He just clapped and clapped! Such a big boy 😀 That brings his commands to two. He can clap and high five on demand. I had him on my bed and he was clapping away, with me growing more and more proud of him every second, when suddenly he made a sad sound and looked up at me with his big lip out. I went to stroke his hair and realized his forehead was wet. No, that doesn’t necessarily mean our house is warm. Its irrefutable proof that he’s tired. The sleep sweats, we call them. So I picked him up, brought him to his room, put him to bed, and he hasn’t made a sound since. That was two hours ago, so it will end soon.

While Dekker has been napping, I’ve been accomplishing nothing at all. I’m laying in my bed, watching guilty pleasure TV, eating leftover spaghetti, and switching between Pinterest searching and crocheting. Yes, I know its lazy. But then I checked my calendar. July is officially slammed for my family. Today will be my last day of pure relaxation. There is a task, event, or plan for every single day of the rest of July. Lots of them are great, or will only be a few hours, but even so, every single day we will be busy with something. I suppose thats not a bad thing, just seems overwhelming to look at it that way.

Could be a good thing. It will likely make these posts a little more interesting.

mama jeanne

He he…….I’m part of some of those days 🙂 Kiss your cuddle-bun from me…that is your little one 🙂 Actually hugs and kisses to you all!