Yay for Bedtime!!!

The kids slept until 9:15 this morning, which was completely awesome! I, however, woke up shortly before that in tears thanks to some unbelievably vivid dreams based around being rejected. Rejection dreams are just the worst. Luckily, they weren’t about people who are important to me now, like my husband or best friends, but more so reliving parts of my life where I was brutally rejected, or new made up experiences where people who actually were good to me years ago rejected me. It was a really painful dream, and took a lot out of me.
I’m incredibly thankful for kids who run to me when I enter their room, or just jump up and down in anticipation of being lifted up by me. It sure helped this morning.
Sadly, today wasn’t a great day. I know I’m in for years and years of my kids a scrapping and being at each other, but today was long, as they were both temperamental towards one another. It was a challenge. But we got in good cuddles where we could and cried a bit when we couldn’t. I anticipated their nap time.
When they did go down, I again whined a bit inwardly about not having my laptop and the convenience that came with it. However, I channeled my energy into making some calls, so I know where I can purchase the laptop were looking for. Tomorrow! We’re adding “buy new laptop” to our list of things to do tomorrow, on Christmas shopping day!!! Can’t wait for that actually 🙂 I know it will be a zoo but I’m really looking forward to getting a ton of stuff done, and having a family day. Feels like it’s been a while.
When the kids woke up, we opted for an easy mac and cheese supper. Unfortunately, Dekker screamed uncontrollably for a solid twenty minutes from his room while we ate. He was put in for a time out before supper was served and just refused to quit. It took a bit but he eventually made it to the table and enjoyed his favourite meal. Laela loves it too, and always eats way more than we expect her to.
Thanks to Dekker’s insane meltdown, they’re wasn’t much time left between supper and bedtime. We went downstairs and had some good cuddles before we cleaned up toys and headed upstairs. It wasn’t the happiest bedtime we’ve ever had but it also wasn’t the worst. I think Deks knows how finished we all were.
Now that the littles are down, Brady is shovelling the driveway so we can actually get out of it in the morning. I have psycho-planned our day, so if we can’t get out of our driveway, were hitch hiking!!!