Yesterday: Recap and Update

Thank you for caring about my procedure, friends. It was really comforting to receive your messages, comments, and texts. While ALL extra feels gigantic still, clearly I am ever so slowly healing, because yesterday felt doable and decently simple.

The part I was most dreading was getting up early. But it was ok. I checked in and took a selfie to prove to my people that I was well.

The next picture I managed was while I was eating some cookies. I was in and out of consciousness. But I remember thinking the digestive cookies were yummier than I had anticipated.

I know. I look so fly.

I was still mostly asleep when they asked me to get up and try to walk. When it was clear I was about to be released, I asked if I could call my ride – Cher. Apparently they already had!

She was patiently waiting in the little women’s health waiting room for me. I hear she was only there for about ten minutes or so before I was ready to go. It was pretty seamless!

I was actually advised to grab coffee along the way home if I thought I could stomach it, so I did. It was really nice to be home with my people so quickly after my procedure.

I slept most of the day, and went to bed at a pretty good time. I was just zonked, but it was nice to rest so well when I did.

I am pleased to report I have experienced next to NO physical discomfort. *knocks on wood* I haven’t cramped much at all, and I’m barely bleeding. I still feel a touch wiped today, but that could also just be psychological from all the lead up, and then the come down. I’m not sure, but I’m also not worried. I feel very much like myself.

The only thing I feel a bit weird about with this WHOLE thing is that I have no idea how it all went! Haha! I assume all is well, but I was clearly not all in there when the procedure finished up, so I didn’t really get much of a report or result, and I’m curious like that. So I’m hoping Dr. Guselle receives an operative report soon because I know she’ll get in touch and share it with me. I’m curious, but I’m not worried. This part of things is behind me now. Onward and upward.