You’re Giving me a…. Breakdown!

Relient K reference, anyone? Anyone??


This morning hasn’t been our smoothest. It kicked off pretty hard, with Rowan coming up into my room over and over again, telling me he had to pee. I haven’t updated in a while, but Ro is like 99% potty trained! He jumped right into night training, and hasn’t peed his bed overnight once! Then WHY, I ask, must he come tell me every time he wants to pee???? Gah!!! So he came up and lulled Wavy and I about five times before I’d normally get up. So that was special, but I know, a learning curve. Whatever. Wavy went back to sleep, at least.

Breakfast was smooth enough, and Dekker got off to school on time. Except for some miscommunications that left us floundering for a few minutes, where he was insistent that dad had made a rule that I didn’t know about. You all get it. Lines get crossed sometimes. And then Dekker’s bike was hanging from the garage ceiling, so another moment of quick thinking, and the kid did get off to school on time! Oy!

Sadly, since pretty much right after that, everyone else around here has been in full meltdown mode. Its not just because it was a bit of a rough start, but its everything. Two duplo blocks coming apart causes a child to crumble into a heap on the floor. Tears cannot be dried with hugs this morning. Also, if you touched a toy in the last hour, it is YOURS and ONLY YOURS. No one else is permitted near it!

My. Gosh.

I hit a “mommy’s wrath” moment and threatened them all with a super early nap. And NONE of them turned their attitudes around!! Not even a little bit!! So I made good on my threat, and I sat them down for lunch at 10:00a,. I know. It sounds SO cruel, and I felt pretty cruel, but I was OVER it, as were they.

Everyone ate lunch angrily, peed angrily, and went to bed angrily. Don’t worry. I followed each one to their bed and tucked them in with lots of soft hugs and kisses. I wanted it drilled into them how much I love them, and I think the lesson landed.

They were tucked in by 10:40 ish. Rowan was asleep when I checked on them at 10:45. Turns out, sometimes, an unpopular decision can be the right one.

I’m glad I followed my gut this morning! Can’t have the kids disintegrating this afternoon when I’m not home!! Would be a quick way to lose the friend who offered to watch them, lol!