Goodbye Due Date

Baby girls due date has come and gone. I am disappointed, but living on, knowing she will indeed come when the time is right. The time will be perfect, as will she.

My goal for today was to NOT mope! Not many babies are born on their due dates, and I didn’t go into the day with high expectations for it at all. It was on my mind that today is the last day of summer, and how great would it be to have another summer baby?! But I tried to hold that kind of pressure at arms length and just enjoy the day. Positivity!!!

I started out pretty well. We had eggs for breakfast and then went downstairs to watch “What to Expect,” since I had been wanting to watch it recently. What better day than your due date? I was pretty optimistic for the day, and things were going well. I started to get frustrated with life in general around lunch. For no real reason, honestly. Little things started bugging me. So I did dishes. I filled the dishwasher and handwashed the rest. I didn’t feel much better so I started up a load of laundry and stuffed diapers from yesterday. I tried to keep busy. I texted friends. I took pictures. Here are some from today:

40 weeks pregnant!
40 weeks pregnant!
Who am I to tell him the "right way" to play toys?!
Who am I to tell him the “right way” to play toys?!
Reading with daddy
Reading with daddy
Talking on the phone with mommy
Talking on the phone with mommy




But I found keeping my mood up was hard. I had braxton hicks all day today. And while those things are completely normal and I’ve had them since before I even felt the baby move, My entire day was spent with what felt like one constant contraction that didn’t hurt and wasn’t labor. It was just plain annoying; a constant reminder that nope!, nothing was happening yet.

When Dekker went down for his nap, Brady and I ate toasted tomato sandwiches for lunch. Don’t knock it til you’ve tried it! We made them out of our fresh garden tomatoes and they were sooo delicious and sweet. So that was yummy! I still very much had the nesting bug after that, so I did another load of laundry and tried to think of something artsy I could do. I know, perfect time to start a project. But I really wanted to! I couldn’t think of what to crochet, and I’m starting to hate that crocheting is my only “skill” when it comes to crafting. I cut out some material for a pattern I’d like to try and make but I pretty well stalled out after that. I was just flat our discouraged.

It helped that my sister called. We talked for an hour and a half, and a lot of it was really good encouragement and helping talk me down from where I was. She let me feel exactly how I feel, even though I know I’m being somewhat irrational, but we talked logic too, and about the things that are actually important. Baby will come. It was also nice to just talk about life with her. We reminisced, talked cooking, friends, etc. It was nice, and it was also a break from my crazy mind.

While I was on the phone, Dekker got up and had supper and was pretty hands on for the evening. We had some funny bedtime “cuddles” which are really more like wrestling matches now,

IMG_2253and only now that he’s in bed are we thinking about food. Well, thats a lie. I’m starving and am sooo ready to eat! Brady ran to the Red Bull and snagged a menu so we can enjoy some take out. I am hungry for so many things that we don’t have, so hopefully the restaurant can help! Yum!

Tomorrow will be spent with my parents here at our house, relaxing and hopefully watching another movie and relaxing. Or hey, in labor!!! Whenever, my dear. You are more than welcome here.

mama jeanne

Such a beautiful mama you are Hailey. You just glow when you are pregnant. What wonderful pictures of making the best day possible. I’m proud of you guys. See you tomorrow one way or another 🙂 Love you so much my dear♥