Keeping Busy

In case you missed it, I was very discouraged yesterday. I’ll be honest. I’m still pretty bummed out today.

My frustration yesterday I chose to channel into work. I did lots of laundry and moped around until the day was finally over. In preparation for another crusty day, I made a list of jobs to do today.

And then I got a very encouraging text this morning that suggested I rather do things I enjoy. Eat things I’m super hungry for, watch a movie that I love, something like that. I thought that was likely a much better use of my time! Around that same time, my mom emailed me and said she was heading to the city, and asked if she needed anything. So I elected to accompany her and get my nails done somewhere along the way. It was a good decision 🙂 My loving husband supported it completely. He stayed home with Dekker and did a few of the jobs off of my list. He stripped the other half of Dekkers diapers, fixed our sit and stand stroller so it fits our car seat better, called SGI, and rebooked Dekker’s eye appointment from Halloween to a week later. While he was working, I was taken out for lunch, had my nails done, and did some shopping with my mom. I may have bought the 6th season of Big Bang Theory from Costco.

IMG_2233I came home around 6:30 and Brady and I played with Dekker for a good while. I then chatted on the phone with my girlfriend until Deks went to bed. He’s now asleep and my supper is in the oven. I love eating supper in the bathtub 🙂 I know its nerdy but its sooo comforting! Maybe people who don’t have a soak every single day won’t get it, or be coordinated enough for it, but its probably something everyone should at least try!

Tomorrow is baby girls due date. I’m not holding my breath. But again, prayers would be muchly appreciated! I have made an effort this entire pregnancy to keep a cool head and trust God to care for my daughter, but in all honesty, this entire last nine months of my life has sadly been laced with anxiety. Is it time to have my sweet little baby laid on my chest, breathing, crying, with her messy hair and funny boingy arms.

I love her.