Productivity and Playtime

My mom came over this afternoon to lend a hand, which I GREATLY appreciated! I had a big list of calls to make, appointments to schedule, things to big her about, and stuff like that. All very easy, but difficult with two. My Dekker is communicating sooo well these days, I hate to discourage him by not being able to give him what he wants when he says please. Laela is sleeping wonderfully at night but struggles to sleep on her own in the day, which leaves me holding her pretty constantly. And as of this morning, both of them, and myself, have colds. So none of us can breathe and we’re all a bit on edge. We needed my mom for the day!

So I called. And called. And called. I booked Laela a chiropractic appointment, and her shots. I booked Dekker his follow up appointment with Dr. Rubab in case his surgery date is a bit later than we’re expecting. I booked counselling for myself. I booked family pictures and Christmas tree shopping day (a tradition with us) with my mom.I booked Brady and I dental appointments. I. Booked. Everything.

I did a bit of research on a few things as well. Just random things. I want to send a thank you card to the doctor who actually ended up delivering/catching Laela, but he doesn’t work at the same office as my doctor. So I figured out where (I think) he practices. I looked up the price of something from Hickory Farms that I’ve been waiting until the Christmas season to buy. I tried to look up the girl I bought Dekker’s amber necklace from, but can’t seem to get a hold of her 🙁 I’m a bit frustrated by that, to be honest. Another amber retailer had a sale on the exact necklace I want yesterday, and I bypassed it in an effort to support locals instead of ordering from Ontario. Hopefully its worth it. Either way, I tried. And I shopped around online a bit for  white dresses to no avail. My kids have so many clothes, we need more storage for them. Anyone have a tall white dresser they’re looking to get rid of? Or sell? Either way, we know its time to move out a bookshelf and move in a dresser. Sharing that wardrobe is just not cutting it.

Lastly, I finally routed through all of Laelas clothes and gifts that we’ve accumulated. Bradys mom did a bunch of it while she was out but they have continued to sit exactly where she left them. Ugh. Go me. So I hauled them downstairs, along with all her baby shower gifts, and early Christmas presents. The sorting process took a fairly long time actually, but it was fun to go through and see all of the adorable things she’s received! I can’t wait to put her in everything! Except the big things. Those can wait. But we pulled out everything that is from 0-6 months and I ran it through the laundry so its all ready to go. She sure it blessed. As I said, we need more space for all her clothes!!! You guys are all ridiculously generous.

We slacked off and had cheese pizza for supper. Brady was holding Laela afterwards and I decided to get Dekker ready for bed, even though Brady always does. Thats often their special time together, but Laela was pretty hands on today, and she was currently happy, so I figured I’d help out. Dekker was not impressed that it was bedtime but he held my hand and cried while he walked obediently beside me. We played on his change table and got him all diapered and dressed. Then I brought him to our room and he fell backwards onto the bed. And then we had the BEST playtime ever!!! Again, I’m usually holding Laela, but I took this opportunity of being hands-free to play with the best little boy that ever lived. He was hilarious, and super ticklish! He would laugh hysterically, and when he would try to squirm away, I’d drag him back by his feet. Or if he tried to get up I’d either tackle him or just knock him over. It was so much fun! I haven’t had the pleasure of really wrestling him yet, and I can see that I’ve been missing out. However, having so much fun makes going to bed really hard. He cried as soon as I told him it was time to go to his room. But we had a nice talk about it being ok to be sad, but that doesn’t mean its ok to hit or be mean. We’re just sad, and then we sing a song and pray with daddy, rest, and then we can play all over again. He seemed to accept that, and waved as Brady left with him. It was really, really nice.

I felt great after accomplishing stuff today, and playing with Dekker was my cherry on top. I think the rest of my list should be doable and easily(?) accomplished on Friday afternoon and Saturday with Brady. But I’m sure next week, as usual, will bring a whole new list of things to accomplish. Bring it on, last week of November!