Work, Christmas, Calls, and Challenges!

Maybe I should have named this post “Crunch Time.” But being that apparently my mind is still that of a fourteen year old, that makes me think of pooping. So…

Did anyone else realized its into the second half of November? My life is feeling pretty crazy right now. I know that lots of people are much busier than me, and I respect that. I know how much my body and I are up for, and I’m one of those people who doesn’t do awesome under stress. If I have one activity planned, I consider that day full enough. Yet, its getting to be that time of year, and I’d like to have as many of ducks in a line as possible before we want to relax and spend time with family and friends over Christmas. Brady will actually have two weeks off over Christmas which is COMPLETELY INCREDIBLE! I’m sooo looking forward to that! December won’t be too terribly busy, but the rest of November is slammed for him. This is kind of a drag for me because, not only does the average work day ending at 5:00 bring him home by 6:00 at the earliest, but it also means that all the errands that need running and appointments that need attending either need to be done by me alone, or on Saturdays. And Saturdays are nutty in the city already with Christmas shoppers. I will be one of those people soon enough.

I don’t want to be feel panicked all December. We’re having company over the weekend after next, and I started making a list of things I need to have completed before they arrive. Sort of like cutting my list of everything that needs to be done in half. Well, half-ish. I had NO idea how much there is to do! Lots of my jobs are easily doable, but its hard with a toddler and a new baby with a tummy ache who needs constant attention. How does a person even make a phone call?? My “small list” of things to accomplish has grown to over 20 things over the last couple of days. Its going to be a big Saturday in the city with the fam! Yikes.

All I want to do is Christmas shop. Thats not even on the list at this point, because there are other things that need to be accomplished before Christmas. Of course the fun job has to be last. I’m nervous, as I make my lists based on priority, knowing that I need to order some Christmas gifts, and will miss the time window if I wait too long. Yet, Christmas gifts can’t be on my list yet!! Do I just sound insane? I’m trying to be organized and it doesn’t seem to be working.

For sure in the next day or so, I need to make a ton of calls. I have to cancel Dekker’s appointment with his second opinion eye doctor, and book another appointment with Dr. Rubab in case he doesn’t get in for surgery right away in January. I have to book shots and chiropractic for Laela, and counselling for myself. Not only do I have to book these appointments, but I have to find time to go to them!  I know they’re just calls at the moment, but its hard to find the time and the free hand.

On top of all of this, I really have a desire to exercise a bit. I am very excited about those one month challenges that are all over the place, and was debating starting one about a week ago. I was put off with it being in the very middle of the month, and thought maybe I’d hold out until December 1st. But then I’d have to be squatted, planking, or wall-sitting on Christmas, which is not my ideal. So I’m thinking starting now would be super smart, because I could do a whole month challenge, take Christmas off, and start a new challenge in the new year. What do you guys think? Does anyone want to help motivate me and do these challenges with me? I could use an accountability person or two in this whole thing. Maybe then it would be easier to find the five minutes per day that it would take! Yet I feel so overwhelmed by all the things that need to get done, squatting fifty times isn’t so much my top priority. Maybe it should be? Sigh. Who knows.

I’m feeling a bit scattered, I suppose. My mom is coming over tomorrow and I hope she can help me organize life a bit. She worked wonders with my lists last week and I’m hoping she can help make sense of them this week too. November may fill up really fast, and then only 3.5-ish weeks til Christmas!!

And then anywhere from 1-4 weeks until Dekker’s surgery. Wow. Don’t think that far ahead, Hailey. Don’t do it.

Hope you guys are all feeling a bit more sane than I am tonight! Yay red wine and a bubble bath!


Mon the 25th or Tues the 26th, you can have me from 10am to 3pm for whatever your heart desires……the kids and I stay home and party while you go shop your brains out/sleep/go visiting/whatever……OR …… and I tackle whatever you’d like to get done at home. It’s your call Sweet Mama — use me or lose me Ahahahahahah.


I am doing the 30 day plank challenge right now with the work girls and it is a good (getting harder) one to build core strength and it takes very little time every day. Starting with 20 seconds and ending with 4 minutes. Just google 30-day plank challenge. Good luck.