36 Weeks Pregnant

I feel like its been forever since I last blogged, because I posted yesterdays as stupid o’clock in the morning and now this one is actually going up after midnight! I’m sorry if anyone is annoyed by the occasional late night post but it means that I have been busy with fun, wonderful things, and that is a good thing so that is the one and only time I’ll apologize. Today ended well, with Brady and Jerilee. The rest of the day was fairly eventful as well.

I was expecting to run into the city for a prenatal appointment, a minor grocery shop, and then home. It wasn’t going to be a big day, and Brady is home a bit in the upcoming weeks, so he agreed to stay home with the kids so I could go about my errands relaxedly. I got all dolled up and felt great on my way out. I listened to music really loudly and even dropped in on my mom for some lunch on my way to the city. After some delicious chicken pot pie, I was off to my doctors office.

The nurse weighed me and put me into a room, and Dr. Guselle was there within minutes. We touched base a bit about everything and she made some notes in my file before she commented that I was 36 weeks along. I confirmed that I was, and made the expected “Its really coming up fast” comment. The funny thing was that it had completely slipped my mind what happens at this appointment. If you have kids, do you guys remember week 36? There’s a pee test, a finger poke, and some less than comfortable swabbage that tests for certain infections. Without going into wild detail, or really any at all, its all fairly awkward and icky. Turns out it was good to leave hubs and the kids at home today.

So my doctor sent me back to the nurse to poke my finger and to tell me to pee in a cup. I’m just gonna say this one. Peeing in a cup already isn’t the easiest of tasks, but lets give the super pregnant women the worlds tiniest cup and see how she does. No good can come of that. And then for the finger poke. Literally, having my blood tested that way is among my top five leave favorite things. I hate that stupid little thing. No matter what, I can’t predict when its going to snap on me. Stupid faced little blood poker thing. I returned to my room for the rest of my appointment. BP is good, babys heart rate is good, as per usual. My uterus is measuring a bit small but, upon the rest of the exam, we learned that baby is definitely dropping, which would cause us to lose a few centimetres on the tape. Not that we are worried anyway. We sat and watched my stomach jump around a bit before she confirmed that he does, in fact, seem to be healthy and thriving. We also now know that my cervix is still nice and far away, so labor is not immediately around the corner. I know you’re all just itching to know about m cervix :/ Sorry. Hopefully you’re all women.

The one downfall of todays tests was that my hemoglobin came back low. It isn’t a huge deal, and nothing that an iron supplement can’t fix, but 6-8 weeks ago, my bloodwork showed a much higher number, and I would have had to get in a decent amount of trouble for my iron to drop quite so much so fast. So that was how I ended up with a lab requisition to go get some additional blood drawn. Not exactly something I had on my schedule, but I worked it out.

Everything else looked good, so I left my appointment and hit up Walmart quickly for a few things before heading to my usual blood-sucking clinic. It was completely quiet, and I was let right into the back, which has not happened the last few times I’ve been there! Five or six people came in right after me, so I was pretty thrilled to have beat the rush. The woman who came to take my blood remembered me from my glucose test and was so sweet to me. I never know if its good to be remembered so quickly by someone in that scenario but I decided it was nice instead of not. Why wish for bad, right?

Post-blood, I brought Subway home for the family, and ended up straight back on the road to go to concert choir. Jerilee and I met at my parents house so we could abandon a vehicle and drive together. Its such a fun weekly date we have now 🙂 Plus, always a pro to drop in on my mom again. We had a really fun practice, and got super excited about a few of the songs we’ll be singing. You guys should probably all come to the concerts in April. We drove back home and Brady made us all snacks so we could watch The Bachelor together with yummy treats. I LOVE these Tuesday nights so much, but I do feel bad, since Jerilee will be lucky to get home at 1:00am. I hear some people, her included, work at jobs that are outside of their homes, and they can’t even wear sweats! Lame. Sorry, Jerilee. One day I’ll trade you off locations.

All of this being said, its been a successful but full day. Its 1:00, and I still need to watch some Greys, otherwise the day feels empty, haha! Brady was going to go snowboarding tomorrow but its forecasted to be the coldest day of the next two weeks, so I think his trip will get bumped to the very near future. It’ll be nice to have him home, too 🙂