37 Weeks

I went in for a prenatal today, as I’m doing weekly at this point, and it was strange, once again! This is my first pregnancy with this particular clinic, so some things are done differently. That, and being seen my a student doctor while just overseen by my doctor, things really feel different. I’m getting pretty late in the game here, and I’m finding it hard to come to terms with. Everyone I’ve encountered has been lovely, I have no big issue with anyone, its just been very different. I feel slightly “un-doctored,” if I can be so bold, but I think my doctor has been VERY engaged and hands on in the past, so this is a big change. I’m trying very hard after todays appointment to worry about nothing, to not be anxious, and to roll with it.

What surprised me right off the hop is that my student doctor brought a med student in with her. Now I have zero issue with people learning, and I’m ok to be part of that. Sure, of course she can take my blood pressure, find baby’s heartbeat, measure me, etc. But isn’t my student doctor learning?? I don’t know, it sort of took me aback. Luckily, all of those things turned out just fine. Baby boy has never been especially cooperative for a doppler, but it just took some digging. I knew he was fine the entire time, as he is a big mover. No harm, no foul there.

Now I don’t want to be gross, so sorry if this crosses a line, but this weekend, I’m pretty confident that I lost my mucus plug. I know, it sounds awful. I don’t recommend googling it. Its just a nasty gooby thing that falls out sometimes if your cervix starts to open/ripen/whatever else. With some people, it means labour is RIGHT around the corner. With others, they lose theirs really early, and it kind of fills back in. Lots of people lose and regenerate their mucus plugs multiple times. The difference with me is that I’ve never knowingly lost mine. I always just lose it in delivery. Not everyone noticeably loses theirs, and I am one of those people who never has. So to me, this counted for something. Because I don’t feel labour, it really made me nervous when I first realized it was happening. But my student doctor, like most every other appointment, kind of blew past it and said “So you had a little discharge?” No, dude, this was NOT a little bit of discharge. I know enough to know what that was. She just tends to downplay a lot of things. Everything I’ve been feeling is wrapped up in “Well, it iiiiis your fourth baby…” Yes. I know it is. Things can still happen when its your fourth baby. Experienced mothers still appreciate reassurance.

I digress. It was an ok appointment regardless. We picked an induction date, knowing obviously there would be wiggle room, because people can get bumped multiple times, but we have a kick off point anyway. We know where to start making plans and who to notify about what when. We know which form of induction we’ll be using. We know enough. I feel slightly more “planned” than I did before, I think.

After our appointment, we picked up supper and headed home. Now, I’m sleepy and ready for a soak. Soon and very soon!