A Blustery Wrap-Up

Not everyone woke up on the right side of the bed this morning.

Its ok, some did!

S’more breakfast is always a win! We sure missed our usual s’more monger (s’monger?) friends, but it was still fun and yummy 🙂

The weather was perfect today. Perfect. It was overcast, and and a teeeeeny bit threatening 😆 Brady and the kids loaded up to hit the beach, and I hung back to brew some coffee. But Brady called within a minute or two from the water, saying it was about to come down out there. So I abandoned coffee and ran – and I do mean sprinted – seriously – down to the lake.

The clouds were coming in quickly. It was dark. I loved it. My family can vouch, I was giddy, making videos and yelling in excitement. I LOVE storms.

The storm was worthy of my love. It started getting rowdy and lighteningy, so I took a few more pictures and videos before we hauled back up.

We made it back to our site in time to avoid being completely dumped on. Just well rained on, haha! Brady and I hung out with Wavy and Dekker on the deck for a good long while. It POURED. LOUDLY. We loved it.

Rowan joined once the storm started lifting.

Around noon, the rain had mostly quit, and we started getting lunch going. We ate, and then got on the job of getting things packed up from our weekend, and prepped for the next one! That means clothes brought home, fridge food packed up, dishes done, wood bin filled, water jugs filled, floor and deck swept, etc etc etc. Lucky for us, we’re seven people, and can work together!

When the bulk of the work was done, we were waiting for the kids to finish up the dishes, and I took that opportunity to run down to the water for a couple of post-storm pictures. I LOVE storms, but post-storm is also very beautiful 😍

I even found a wild raspberry! Don’t tell me something peed on it. I don’t even care. I ate it. And it was excellent.

We were about ten minutes shy of leaving when our dear friends showed up!!

It was both SO sad to only see them for ten minutes, but SO good that we got to see them at all! We love you, Dahlsjos!

We made a big waving, honking (or as Dekker would say, “horny”) scene when we left, saying goodbye to our people. You can always count on us for that kind of thing, lol!

Aaaaand then we drove home. We had music on, and that was the only sound to be heard. Our group was a tired one. Wavy slept in a power pose most of the way home.

All in all, it was an incredibly lovely day, with SO much rain and SO much refreshing. And then a peaceful ride home 💜

Tomorrow is a big day again, but we will have good rest between now and then. As our health finally begins looking up, life feels a little bit more hopeful, and I foolishly feel like I may again, soon, have *gasp* ENERGY!!!!

Have a lovely week, friends. School is approaching, and I hope you are all able to soak up these last couple of weeks!