A Very Big First Day Home

We came home from the lake a day earlier than usual to make an appointment today. We used our extra time yesterday to get a bunch of impending doom stuff done. I put together a massive school supply list and ordered as much as I could online. And already this morning, it was ready for pickup!

So, while Brady lay in his eighth MRI 🤮 I went to Staples and picked up the massive order of supplies for the upcoming school year! Then, I moseyed on over to Walmart to try and find the rest of the items that were sold out at Staples.

Full disclosure. Walmart was FULL of people and EMPTY of absolutely everything else. I was very discouraged and overwhelmed in Walmart. To credit myself just a tad, normally I am quite stuck and numb during Brady’s scans. This was the first time I actually attempted to do something while he was in.

So I picked up at Staples.

I attempted Walmart.

I attempted Dollarama.

And then I decided I was grateful that I brought crocheting as a backup.

Its almost like I know me or something.

I enjoyed the last chunk of my time crocheting in my car, with happy music playing. And all of a sudden, Brady texted that he was out. I dumped my crocheting into the passengers seat and hauled out of there to go pick him up from St. Pauls Hospital.

Results are pending. Waiting is hard. But we pray with expectation that God will do His perfect will.