A Doozy

It seemed like a simple enough day. I enjoyed how peaceful it was and how well the kids did. Brady enjoyed being productive in the garage. The kids played outside for a bit and seemed to play well inside as well. They colored and kept busy.

I crocheted and wrapped up part of an order that I was really excited about.

We did a little reminiscing, as we’ve been trying to make space on the laptop to help it run better. It was nice to see summer and remember how good it was.

Goodness I cannot wait for nicer weather.

We ate breakfast for supper, which we’ve really been enjoying recently. Bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns. Boring for some but our kids LOVE it, as do Brady and I. Though. We did suffer a great loss.

*sigh* My favorite whisk. Tis a sad day. But supper still tasted good.

Aaaaand then the day when down the crapper. It was a serious doozy of an evening. NOT our best, or even close. Truly one of the worst. I haven’t felt this shaky on my feet in a good while, and I’m glad the kids are down for the day now and I can rest my heart, brain, and body.

It doesn’t hurt that our friends brought us some (a lot) of their birthday cake to wash the day down.

If hard days could always equal cake, I might be slightly less rattled when they come along. I don’t care to relive this evening, but I do care to relive this cake. And I still can! Its not over.

Tomorrow, some normalcy will reappear around here. I’ll talk more about it tomorrow 💜