More Covid Results

Rowan and Brady had PCR tests last Tuesday and we FINALLY got the results yesterday evening! Goodness! I think Brady must’ve checked his ehealth account every hour or two, but while we were eating supper, Dr. Guselle texted to confirm all that we had been believing to be true.

Rowan is covid positive.

Brady has remained covid negative!!!

This helps me feel SO much more content about Brady having gone forward with his chemo round without having answers. And it clarified what we already believed about Rowan.

This does mean, however, that we are under lockdown even longer :/ Ugh. All the boys are allowed back at school before the week is out, but Laela – being the one school aged kid who didn’t get sick – has to stay home the longest, as she’s been exposed the entire time. Really, it feels like she’s being punished for staying healthy šŸ˜† I know its for her health and wellness, but my goodness its been SUCH a long stretch! Lucky for us, she is one who is happy to do work from home. So that helps. But she for sure won’t be back to school before February.

They’re making the most of their time together, though, so I really can’t complain. They play hard while Brady does his thing…

And I do mine.

Happy Monday, friends. I hope your week is starting strong and that you feel capable! And also that you didn’t dump your coffee down your shirt this morning like I did. *le sigh*