A Little Bit of an Odd One

It is strangely difficult to write blogs these days. We work on the camper every single day, but I’m trying to save all of those updates for the Friday series! So if I can’t talk about that, what can I talk about??? Thanks to that very question, you’re getting a pretty odd-duck random post today. You’re welcome.

Every time we walk by the pond, I see this rock, and I think “steak.” We laughed about it once and now whenever we pass it, Solly announces “That rock looks like meat!” Wavy joined in recently with yelling “meat rock” as we walked by. I like it. Do you see it too?

I get a kids cup of flowers almost every day. “Flowers.” I love it.

Wavy has become a bit of a flasher these days, lol! But look!! A rash-free belly!!

I wonder if I updated you guys on her rash! Shoot! Its all gone, lol! We put her on an antibiotic for four days. She stopped scratching, and improved so fast! It was awesome! We are all SO relieved for her! She still asked for medicine often, as it became part of her routine there for a bit, but then we remind her she’s all better now, and she just says “ok” and moves along. Yay!!

Here are a couple of pictures of Waverly crying that Cher edited, to really bring out the details. Crazy!

I guess there is a lot of Waverly in this post! But she’s my kid who is usually closest by, and the most cooperative with pictures! Lol! Anyway, the other day we were all going outside, and as tends to happen, it was a bit chaotic trying to get everyone out the door at once. She wanted to wear shoes, not sandals, but needs help tying on her runners, obviously. She got tired of waiting and went to the closet to exchange her shoes for rubber boots, which she knew she could do herself. I LOVED that. Look at my two year old being all resourceful and independent.

I’m a pretty big fan of her.

There has been a lot more going on than just these little tidbits, but this is what you’re getting today! Lol! Enjoy the rain and the overcast weather today! I know I will!