A Tidbit of Progress, perhaps?

For those who want to know, we got our Bluetooth installed today, and the quality blows. Its fairly useless for music. We’re pretty disappointed, and exhausted after being at the mall, waiting, for 4.5 hours, but there’s nothing that can be done at the moment, so we’ll just go on our trip over the next two or three days, and get into it all again once we’re back.

On a completely unrelated note, I just wanted to fill you in on yet more little details about my kids. I write this bog for my own verbal diarrhea, a bit for your reading pleasure, but also to keep record of my life, and my family’s life. So I guess this is more towards the last bit there ๐Ÿ™‚ Records of my cute kids.

Laela is crazy. She’s a roller. I know, she’s over six months, and only really starting to enjoy rolling now, but Laela is rarely laying down. She’s almost always in a standing bouncy toy of some kind. When she isn’t, she’s rolling. Its exciting ๐Ÿ™‚ She’s also started sucking her thumb. Well, chowing it is more like it. Just the one, and just the end of it. Its adorable. I’m not worried about it either. Dekker chewed his fingers and stopped when he was done teething. So if she’s four year old and sucking her thumb, then we’ll talk about it.

Let’s be honest. No doors are ever closed in this house, including the bathroom door. If I go to the bathroom, Dekker is there with me. Especially now! He likes to witness the whole thing, and participate, in the way of flushing the toilet and closing the lid. Its cute, and I’m hoping it’ll turn into potty training interest.ย I’ve had his little potty in the bathroom for several months now, and all it does is provide a spot for the basket of bath toys to sit in their basket. This morning, I went to sit on the toilet, and Dekker moved the basket, opened the lid, and sat on his toilet. He sat with a curious look on his face for just a few seconds, and then got off and closed the lid. Now, to be clear, he was fully dressed, so no, he didn’t pee in the potty. But when he got up from his toilet, he looked over at me, sooo proud of himself! I gave him a bunch of high fives and we cheered really loudly and made a big scene. The same thing happened again, when I went in to do my makeup. Again, he looked to me for approval. I whooped and hollered all over the place, and he was thrilled. It was awesome ๐Ÿ˜€ I see hope of training in the future. Not like tomorrow or anything, but its nice to see it start. Yay Dekker!!!

Well guys, I’m super tired after today and we still have to eat and pack all four of us up for the next few days. So thats all you get!

Sleep well, all.