A Visit and a Photoshoot

Auntie Jerilee came over today and brought presents!!



We had a completely lazy morning and afternoon, while Brady was out and about, having meetings for work and running a few errands. He brought Subway home for supper, and we all sat in the basement, frozen in blankets, chatting about houses coming up and trying to convince Jerilee to buy one. We also talked about doing a murder mystery dinner party. I think the idea is hilarious and awesome, but didn’t know if people would actually be interested. Lucky for me, Jerilee has attended one and said it was super fun! So hopefully we’ll set one up one of these days! Who wants in??

Dekker got up around the time that Jerilee was leaving, and was listening to us talk about supper. One of us ended a sentence with “subway” and Dekker said “Eat fresh!” We all burst out laughing at him, to which he responded by repeating it over and over. It was hysterical! No, he didn’t pick it up from watching hours and hours of tv commercials, but its said around our house whenever we toss around the idea of eating there. He is getting funnier and funnier.

Once Jerilee had left for her evening plans, and Dekker had eaten some supper, he requested to get dressed in jeans and a shirt. This is sort of unheard of around our house, as we hang out in jammies almost exclusively. But he was insistent. So we dressed him, and he headed for the entrance, saying “Coat and shoes.” I guess he really wanted some fresh air! So he and I got bundled up while Brady fed Laela. Dekker had his coat and shoes on, and I was tying his toque under his chin when he threw up his hands and said “I. Love. You. Jeez!” My heart stopped for a second, before I just gave him a big kiss and a hug. My little boy. He loves Jesus. I knew he did! My mother-heart couldn’t be happier or warmer.

We played outside from 6:00 until 7:30. Brady and Laela come to play partway through, and they are just the cutest kids!



I brought Laela inside around 7:00 and fed her some cereal. She is getting better and better at that every day. We played upstairs until it was finally bedtime, and both kids were wiped out completely. They’re now fast asleep and I’m so ready for the bath. Looking forward to a day of nothing tomorrow! One of these days, we’ll need to get Laela her six month shots, and she’s a bit late, but not tomorrow. Tomorrow is home day. Jammie day. Nothing day.

But likely a bit of outside time, weather permitting. C’mon, weather, keep permitting!!! You make my kids very happy.