One of those tearful ones

It was a big day with the kids. They were both pretty sad most of the day. We all have off days, so I get it, but its hard when you can’t just say “I’m upset at _____” or “My feelings hurt.” That will be sooo much easier! However, we’re not there, so we did our best.

Dekker requested immediately to go play outside. It was snowing, which is not ideal for playing outside, so we wanted to cater to him and help him feel as good as possible, so after breakfast, we bundled up and went outside. Guys, I gave it a solid effort, but that kid cried for the next ten minutes or so. He wanted to sit on his chairs but not in the snow that was on them. So I cleaned one off but he then just wanted to sit in my lap. So I sat in snow with him in my lap, unmoving, and screaming that there was snow on his mitts. It was horrendous. I asked him multiple times if he wanted to go in, and he would just get angrier. It sucked, so we went inside.

Now, at the end of the day, he is so wiped, that for the first time ever, he requested bedtime. Both kids are whooped, but playing downstairs is always a win, and its almost always sad to go up to bed. But this evening, he came out with “Detter, upstairs. Bum change. Jams. Blankt.” We inquired and actually asked if he wanted to go to bed, and he said “Ya!” in his high, squeaky little voice. So up we went. He is officially tucked in a half hour earlier than usual and Laela is having her bottle.

I feel like I’ve been complaining about Dekker’s fun new behaviours a lot recently, and I don’t mean to seem unhappy or angry at him. I know he’s little, and he’s figuring stuff out, just like I am. We’re learning, and will probably continue to learn for the rest of our lives. But to change my tune, I’d like to brag my big little boy for a few minutes. In the recent past, he has showed me all kind of new skills he has and things he’s excited about and good at, and I’d like to share them with you! He is SUCH a big helper all of a sudden!

Dekker has been great at helping me with Laela for the last few months. If I’m getting ready to change her bum, he is always happy to get me a diaper, or wipes, or whatever I need. If I’m feeding her and she spits up a little, he announces “La. Barf.” and wanders off to find a burp pad. The other day, we were downstairs when Laela needed a diaper change, and he went all the way upstairs to fetch me a diaper. Happy as a clam. Never once have I had to convince him to help me in that way.

I was pleasantly surprised the other day when he wanted to help with laundry. Once I’ve sorted the clothes, I always put one load into a hamper to bring to the laundry machines. Dekker often pushed it there for me, and then heads back to his toys. But lately, he hangs out a little longer, watching what I do. I tried to convince him to pull the stuff out of the dryer for me but he didn’t want to. I don’t blame him, honestly. Its dark in there, and it shocks you. So I emptied it out myself and started chucking the clothes from the washer into the dryer. I guess I dropped one piece and Dekker swooped in right away and put it into the right place. It didn’t seem to bug him that it was wet and cold. So I handed him each piece of clothing and he put it in the dryer for me. When it came to hanging the things that weren’t supposed to be dried, he took each hanger and shirt, one by one, to the rack for me. Never once did I have to hunt him down and ask him to come help again. He was happy to! He was mildly bummed when his job was over, in fact! And in the entire laundry experience, he only unfolded two things. Pretty impressive!

Since that happened, I’ve been making a point to see how he could help in everyday chores. I’ve never really gotten on him about things like that, but I feel like thats ok, because instead of battling with him and making him do it, now he likes it. I even started him on dishes! Not too much, obviously, but a bit! I give him all the cutlery, minus the sharp knives, of course. And being Dekker, all the forks end up in the same spot, same with the spoons, and everything else. When he had finished that, I gave him his big stack of plastic cups and he actually reached over into the top rack of the dishwasher and put them all on spikes. I only had to move two to make the space make more sense. He did so great, and he is so proud when he’s completed his job! I love seeing that desire to help grow in him.

Lastly, a big surprise that we got while we were in Brandon was while we were washing Laela’s bottles. It was just your average hotel room, so they were washed in the bathroom and dried on a towel next to the tv. We use Dr. Browns bottles, so the entire bottle is a six piece contraption. We had all the parts laid out on the towel drying, and Dekker put them together. No lie. I’m not even suer how he would have learned that!! We usually wash bottles in the evening, or first thing in the morning while he’s eating breakfast. So who knows! It was awesome, and we celebrated him up big time. He is wildly wonderful, and growing leaps and bounds these days. He is becoming less of a toddler, or even a little boy, and becoming a kid! And Laela just adores him. It is incredibly heart warming.

My kids are simply the best kids of all the kids.

Ok, I’m off to the tub for a small snack and some House. I hope you all have great nights!