
So this is probably weird information for you all, but Brady and I do mad libs before bed almost every night. They’re funny and make both of us really tired. Ya, we have an app. Every once in a while, we do a mad lib using words Dekker knows. The “things” are easy, adverbs we sort of have to twist a little, but adjectives are getting fun. Dekker knows adjectives, but he’s only really starting to piece them together. Right now, everything is BIG! And lets be honest; not everything he says is big is actually big. Right now, trucks are called “rums,” so when driving anywhere on the highway, he’ll excitedly point to semis and announce “Asa BIG rum!” However, at home, a tiny little bouncy ball is a “BIG ball!” So who knows. We also have fast running, hot tea or hot food, and lots of things are nice. He’s so cute 🙂 I’m enjoying talking to him more and more. When he requested his snack today, I asked him what he wanted, and he told me what he was hungry for without me giving him suggestions. For a not super opinionated kid, I love seeing that part of him coming out.

This evening, he struggled with having his eye ointment put in. I hate putting it in, because he hates it so much. He cries and thrashes and panics. He is such an obedient kid, and I just hate constantly poking at him and ticking him off. However, he pulled it together after just a few short minutes and we had incredible nighttime playing and cuddles. Dekker was probably two before he ever even let someone kiss his lips, much less kissed back. Now he LOVES kissing! We goofed around for several minutes, with me just saying “Kiss me again!” and him trying to purse his lips but laughing too hard to be able to kiss me back. It was hysterical, and he was laughing so hard, he was sweating. Then I would hug him sooo tight and he would almost hold his breath, and just when I figured I had him too tight, he would burst out laughing and deflate a little. It was so much fun! I looked forward to actually being able to hug my kid for a really long time. You can’t really hug a baby, you know? You can cuddle and be soft with a baby, but you can’t really squeeze a baby the same way. Now that Dekker is a bit tougher, he’s fun to tease and wrestle and yes – squeeze with the power of a python. Its ok, he likes it. It was hard to leave his room tonight. He is sooo adorable!

Almost one week of drops down!! I feel like we should all get a prize at the two week mark. Suggestions?

Oh! Last thing, I promise! A picture I forgot to post yesterday from nap time. We were kind of miffed when the kids alternated naps but it produced a cute little shot anyway 🙂 Worth it.



Good night, all!


Aww. this is just SO encouraging and uplifting. I’m going to mark it, and if I’m ever having a bad/tough/grim/sad/discouraging day, I’ll read this and I know it’ll be great therapy! Love you.