Laela’s Accomplishment on my Sick Day

I felt so much better after getting away for a few hours on Friday. Then Laela slept in until just shortly before 7:00 this morning and that was awesome too. And then I felt sick for most of the day. My spirits are up for the most part, but almost everything I eat doesn’t sit well. I’m sure it’ll come back, but right now, my appetite is really unpredictable. I tried to eat some leftover pasta for lunch and that was a HUGE mistake. I had to stop because I knew it would come back up if I wasn’t careful. I’m still trying to eat, though. For supper, I had a ham sandwich from the ham I made yesterday, and that sat beautifully, so who knows. Maybe this will be the answer to finally losing the rest of this baby weight!

Feeling icky, plus having a baby girl with a cold and a baby boy who has solid meltdowns every 2.5-3 hours for his eye drops, and a super lethargic husband, we took our day to veg. We accomplished nothing except trying to get our health back. I’m not sure yet if it was successful. Might still take some time. However, Laela did accomplish something.

She cut her first tooth!!! We have her bottom right front tooth 😀 Its just barely made its way through, and she’s still completely drooly and soaked all day long, but she chewed her hands way less, which makes me think she’s not as uncomfortable as she was before. It also proves to me that she was uncomfortable, but handled herself really well. Very rarely did she fuss and fuss and fuss, bringing me to the conclusion that she was sore. She is so easily calmed by sleeping or eating. I love you, Laela bean! Great work building teeth!

Its 9:20pm and I’m so ready for a bath and bed. Sooo ready! I’ve been cruising around online today, daydreaming of going on a vacation. Perhaps it’ll translate into a nighttime dream too…