Afternoon Girls Date

** Before I write about the day, thank you to those who showed concern and love to our precious Solly boy yesterday. We were SO discouraged and distraught and at a loss. Solly didn’t drink anymore after his big barf, but somehow, he slept through until 6am!! Today has been a far better day, so keep the prayers coming! We need more days like today.

We hosted a waffle brunch at our house today, and while our house wasn’t all tidy and “guest ready,” it was definitely family ready 🙂 Everyone arrived around noon, and we broke out our new waffle iron. We have one from Walmart that works fine, but it takes a really long time, and we SO desire to have people over for weekend brunches a lot in the future, so we bought a new one. A double waffle maker! It is enormous and commercial and hilarious but MAN does it pump out good waffles! I am super happy with the purchase, and thanks to it, we could make three waffles at a time. Everyone was seated with (or had already consumed) a waffle within a half hour. We had just a few basic toppings and my mom brought a big bowl of sliced up peaches. It was a super nice time. We love being local and being able to finally host a little bit at our place. It is really homey.

With life being as busy as its been recently, Brady and I haven’t managed to get to the city to buy Dekker’s birthday present. I mentioned to my sisters and my mom that I needed to duck in to pick up a couple of things today, and we decided to all go together. So once lunch was over and everyone was heading back to my parents, Brady and I got the kids dressed (they were still in their jammies, lol) and I got ready for our girls date.

The four of us piled into my moms car and started at Starbucks. We moved on to Lululemon, where I picked up a pair of pants that I was having hemmed, and I accidentally bought a pair of shorts as well. Whoops! We ducked into Sephora next, since all three of them were born in August, and if you have a Sephora account, you get a free birthday gift. I got mine on our Edmonton trip a few weeks ago, but these ladies were all behind. We hit Walmart last to grab birthday gifts for Dekker, and a handful of other things for a couple of us.

We headed home after that, and my dad immediately ducked out to go pick up some pizza for supper. We feasted on Pizza Hut for supper, and then we took our kidlets home. Yesterday had been fun, but the kids were SHOT being up so late. Tonight, while still being past their bedtime, it was earlier and more doable.

Now, a soak and a snack await me. Tomorrow is our last day with Caity and Stef here, and we’re celebrating Caity and Dekker’s birthdays! Her birthday was on Friday, and Dekker’s is tomorrow. How insane is it that Deks is five, all of a sudden??? That totally snuck up on me! It should be a lovely day 🙂 High hopes!

Sleep deep, all!