All Dressed Up with Nowhere to Go

Our van died again.


Do you remember when this happened over Christmas? And the fuel lines had frozen? It was a really long story at the time, yet we figured it out, not without a handful of ridiculous arguments and a few tears.

So I admit, when the van turned itself off just a few blocks from home on our way to church, I was instantly nervous. Brady, too. He coasted it to the side of the road where we tried to restart it. No dice. Very reminiscent of our Christmas vehicle trouble.

I called my mom and she came and shuttled us home.

Brady’s working on making a plan with one of our amazing neighbours, yet again, to bail us out and limp our vehicle home. Its possible the fuel lines are frozen again from being parked outside yesterday, but it was there for only a few short hours. It can NOT be this temperamental. If this kind of thing happens every time its cold outside, we could easily get stranded in Saskatoon or anywhere else. Once we get it home and thawed out, it should be fine to run again. But Brady will call our mechanic tomorrow and see what we can figure out. If our fuel pump is going, the sooner we can get that sucker replaced, the better!

So thats how we ended up in our Sunday clothes, washed and brushed and looking nice, at home. Well, I say “looking nice” loosely, haha!

The moment after this picture was taken, Dekker was in sweats and a tshirt, and Wavy went down for a nap. Everyone is playing and happy. It should be a smooth, normalish morning for them at least. Meanwhile, wish Brady and I luck! We need a vehicle that operates well, and fits us all in it. We do not care to relive the minivan rental from November!!