Now That Brady’s Home

We’re entering a time where Brady will be home from work for a while. I started writing a post about the last time he hit a slump at work, but its tricky to talk about that kind of stuff on the internet. So I won’t. But I will say that our last slump from work was long and difficult, but well timed. God provided, and we learned a lot. It was a good learning experience, and a time of high anxiety, also. Lol! And now we’re coming up on another! Thankfully, this one is much shorter than the last, and its not a total work hiatus. There is still enough here and there that we’ll be taken care of. We’re less afraid of this one. Now we’re just laying out what needs doing while we’re home together!

We are just itching to work on the basement! However, as logic will tell you, we may have the time now, but we have less disposable income to actually make it happen! Haha! We had some money we could’ve used in theory, but when Brady’s van died on the side of the highway and needed replacing ASAP, that money went kaput. So while I anticipate we’ll putter on the basement and do little bits here and there, it won’t be a grand time of crushing that project.

I haven’t caught the Marie Kondo bug just yet. I imagine I would if I watched it, though! While I don’t know all her methods and specific ideas, I definitely have a strong urge to throw everything in my house away. Like everything. Hahaha! So I think my goal while Brady is home is to do a bit of a purge/clean/I’m not completely sure what. I want to get into all of those little corners and clear them out. Just today, I was sorting laundry downstairs and noticed a corner of our furnace room. It had two of those tubs that roll under beds stacked on top of each other, covered in dust bunnies and old curtains. Super gross, super useless. What do I do, guys? Just chuck it all? Try to sell it? Donate?? I just want that stuff gone! My garage, too. I swear, a third of the stuff in there is toys that no one has seen since we left Radisson three years ago. Can I just get rid of it all???

We need a hefty clean and reboot about here. I’m getting a decorating itch, as well, but now isn’t exactly the time to start spending money on home decor. So I’ll hold that in check for now, but I want to get everything ready for when I can!

I have a few personal goals as well for the next month or two, and I’m planning a whole post around those, but there’s just so much to sort through in my head and heart, it’s hard to type it all out in a way that makes sense. I’ll get there soon 🙂

What are the things you need do to around your house but consistently forget or put off? Help me make my list of things to make our house feel more like a home and less like a dumping ground! I need some new routines around here.