All The Cute Kids

Behold! A shorty post about how each of the kids are doing, with some unrelated fun facts thrown in!

Dekker (11) is doing great 💜 He still reads constantly, and is getting into longer books for older kids. I asked him the other day how his book was he told me, wide eyed “Its a murder book, mom.” So. Crime. Beyond his reading, he is a bit more grumbly than he used to be, but he’s finding his feet in some of the aspects of growing up as the oldest of a larger group. He really values his alone time, and his freedom to do more things independently or later in the evening than the other.

Dekker and Laela have become closer, recently. They go for walks together regularly. Just last night, Laela was behind in her dishes so she couldn’t go for a walk and she was sad. So while she got ready for bed, Dekker got into the kitchen and finished her dishes she they could go together 💜 I loved that.

Laela (9) is doing really well, too. She is coming into her own really beautifully, becoming a very strong little woman. She is struggling with her desire to control every activity and everyone around her, but after a very genuine heart to heart a week or so ago, she is working HARD to recognize what is her job and what is the job of an adult 💜 Her heart is to help, and to lead, and it is beautiful. We’re actively working to nurture the leader in her without her being rude or bossy. Its a big challenge for her, but when it goes smoothly, she’ll tell me how relieved she feels not to have to be responsible for xyz that went down. Unrelated fun fact – Laela almost never will wear a hoodie, but she loves a cozy flannel shirt. When its really really cold, she has a couple sweatshirts I can talk her into, but she has two cozy plaid flannel shirts and she wears them most days. I love her style.

Rowan (7) is doing really well these days 💜 There are absolutely still days of struggle, but they are much further between! Sometimes, this makes it easier to get discouraged because we are all less conditioned to them, and they seem HUGE. Rowan especially feels AWFUL when he has a breakdown. But we get through them quicker than we used to, and he is encouraged by that. He has regained some of our trust, and he has gained back a little bit of freedoms. Rowan loves to be loved by ways of physical affection. Closeness. Cuddling. Back and head scratches. Hugs and kisses. He loves to give love the same way, but also largely in acts of service. He will jump up faster than anyone to meet a need or offer his hand to help. In fact, he helped Dekker do dishes last night for the sake of the walk. Rowan didn’t get to join on the walk, but he still wanted to help 💜 He is a GREAT friend. Rowans heart is to care for people. It always has been, and in spite of his struggles, his heart remains the same!

Solly (6) is doing so well these days. School every day has been an adjustment for him. He is tired at the end of the day. But its really good! He goes to bed happy just about every single night. His understanding of the world around him is growing, and his language has expanded unbelievably. I’ll tell him something, and he’ll repeat it in a different way, and say “I understand why.” He is getting clearer and clearer, which is really fun to watch. Solly is a very content dude, and doesn’t always like to push himself, but he settles into change quite quickly and easily adapts. Oh and his hair is ALL him. He does not want a haircut. I’ve tried. I love the long hair, but he is a sweaty, sweaty boy. Aaaaall summer I offered him a haircut. Not having it. So shaggy he remains.

Wavy (4) is doing awesome. She LOVES playschool. She loves her friends. She loves the independence she gets having her thing away from the house. She is eating it up, and its a pleasure to witness these changes. Wavy plays lego every single day. She sings beautifully, knowing how to hit notes and picking up lots of lyrics. She is ALL the way in there. She runs fast. She does lots of jobs. She is a total package, and she is thriving this fall.

I am overwhelmingly proud of these children 💜 Thank you Lord for bringing them to our family.