All the February Feels

I’m sure you’ve seen all over Facebook and everywhere else, the jokes about how long January felt. I saw one today somewhere that suggested January was simply our trial month. I support this idea! I don’t know why, but yes, January felt SO LONG! Bring on a new month!

While I’m not the biggest winter fan, I do have to compliment the season today. The snow is coming down, and it actually looks like winter. Its actually pretty! Sure, its bitterly cold and windy and icy and crappy out, but my goodness, it gets a point or two for being so pretty. 💙❄️

There could be worse things than being snowed in. Brady will have some time to get better. We’ll putter at our basement a little. Maybe a movie day tomorrow. Comfort food. All the good things.

Stay safe and warm, friends. Enjoy the beauty of winter!