Seven Months of Waverly

How is this little miss ALREADY seven months old??? She’s practically a toddler! A toddler with a LOT of personality today!

Seriously though, she’s not actually that much bigger, haha! Wavy has actually lost 2 oz this month, putting her at 18 lbs 11 oz. We can thank the teething pain for her minimal weight gain, I suppose. The fact that she gained over two pounds last month helps a little.

She did manage to move up a size. She mostly wears 9 month stuff now, except pants, because my kids are always behind in pants. (Ha! Behind in pants. Butt joke.) We’re also finishing up the size 2 diapers and are MORE than ready to put her in 3s! We were given a box of size 3 diapers as a baby gift back in summer, so we’ll finally get to crack those out! I’m happy her diapers will catch everything again, but I will miss the little side of her butt cheek sticking out, haha! Hopefully she keeps bulking up. She’s started showing little signs of reflux the way the little boys did, but without the spitting up, so I’m hoping its just an odd stage that she outgrows and that she drinks her milk better soon. She rarely finishes her six ounce bottle anymore. I think I’m going to book her for a doctors appointment in the near future, just to make sure she’s still growing the way she should be. I love my doctors. Their “all clear” goes a long way for my mama heart. 

Accomplishments for Waverly! She’s popped her two top teeth!

You can just see them here!

I shouldn’t say “popped.” Those things are plenty out already. But as you’ve heard, there was no relief, because she went straight to working on the ones next to those. No rest for the teething, I suppose! No rest for her parents either, but I’ll get back to that. She’s also done a lot more eating this month. Potatoes, bananas, green beans, broccoli, etc. She’s SUPER grabby for food, and bites me a lot as I try to sneak something into her mouth. A heavy favourite of hers is puffs. Peach puffs. She’s a fan. The most notable thing I’ll record as far as milestones go is that she sometimes says HI!!! I’ve never had a baby even try to talk so young, and at first I thought it was a fluke, but I’m pretty sure she knows what she’s doing at least some of the time! She babbles a lot, but the other day I greeted her in an obnoxious, over the top three syllable version of hiyeeee! And she mimicked it, down to my inflections. Smartie pants. She waves too 🙂 Just sometimes, but its starting. 

As for Waverly’s schedule, she usually sleeps in in the morning, and naps after lunch. We try and stretch her day after that and keep her up until nighttime around 7pm, but its not a perfect system with her teething. But its getting there. We had a few nights in the recent past where she’s had us up every two hours like a newborn. SO TIRED. 

New section to Wavy’s monthly posts! Wavy’s favourite things. Like Oprah, but better.

Wavy loves to sit in her high chair. She can see everybody from there, and they love to bring her the  toys she drops/throws. Wavy loves her little silicone coffee mug chewelry thing. Easily her current favourite toy. She likes to chew the metal snap. (FACE PALM) Wavy loves to be wrestled a bit now.

There’s those teeth!!

That means being hung upside down, being plunked and bounced on the bed, or being ever so lightly tossed in the air. Lastly, Wavy loves being naked. As often as possible. I like to squeeze her little rolls and chubby legs. She likes it too. 

Praise the Lord for seven months with Waverly!