Along the way

We started our kitchen renovation a couple nights ago! I’m so happy its not a real reno, though. Not the kind where everything is covered in drywall dust for a month or two anyway. We’re just adding cabinets. Before you see the pictures, keep in mind that Home Depot didn’t have the doors to all the cabinets we bought, so only one of them has doors, but we’re working on it. Also, the picture makes that chunk of our kitchen look messy. It’s all the pictures on the fridge that make it look that way. Its not that messy at all.

So here goes! Before…And after!…Huge difference, right? We had decent cabinets before but I am so excited for more space! I don’t know why we didn’t think of this way sooner.

So while I’m super excited to have a big reorganizing day, I think it won’t be today. I”m still feeling pretty rough, and not super motivated. Plus, I’m only home until mid-afternoon, so that cuts it close. Most likely I’d make a huge mess and not have time to rearrange it 🙂 Not that I’ve ever done that before. I think I’ll write it out a little. I know that seems dumb, but it works better in my head if I can write it down. It will save me the trouble of organizing a cupboard and then deciding to move it somewhere else because something else would fit there better. Anyone else? Or am I just alone in my OCD? The “O” stands for “organize,” by the way. Either way, I’ll try to plan it out this afternoon.

Maybe after a nap. If I can breathe.


Love it! Great idea, it always inspires me to see other people doing stuff that makes a big difference, looks wonderful , and doesn t cost big dollars. Good job you guys!


Love it! Great idea, it always inspires me to see other people doing stuff that makes a big difference, looks wonderful , and doesn t cost big dollars. Good job you guys!