How to be a sick mommy

So yesterday I was experiencing the beginnings of a cold, right? Well, lucky me, it progressed really quickly and was in full swing by last night. I had a super hot bath before bed to clear my head and nose in hopes of a longer, better sleep. Should work, right?

Wrong. I woke up countless times in the night with a runny nose, a cough caught in my throat, or just general soreness. I’m not sure why I’m so sore this time around, but I am just achy with this cold! Maybe because I’m so overdue for one. Either way, I’m feeling awful this morning. There are tons of little balled up tissues floating around my bed, my mouth tastes like…sick, I guess. Not sure what else to call it, but I’m sure you all know what that tastes like. My jaw is killing me and my head hurts.

All my random symptoms aside, I woke up to Dekker crying instead of chatting. It gave way pretty quick and he fell back to sleep, but it was kind of a rude awakening. However, it woke me up from a terribly vivid dream that Brady and I were divorcing. I don’t even know why, but in the dream, the break up was amicable, and I was helping him pack up and leave our home. Partway through the dream, we realized he hadn’t worked out a place to  stay. So I offered for him to stay in one of our spare bedrooms in the basement, which be accepted. He left, and I tried to fall asleep alone, which I couldn’t do! So (again, in my dream) I went downstairs and tried to reopen the subject or our divorce, saying that it was s silly, we just needed to work stuff out, and would he please just come upstairs with me? Of course, my body chose that moment to wake up, and I woke up in an empty bed. Brady was already at work, and I knew that, since I woke up a bit when he left, but this dream was after that. I was so upset and hurt, until I figured it out. But it took a while. My head is so foggy today, and it took a little longer to clear (partially, anyway) than I’d have liked it to. Clarification: Brady and I are still very much together and very much in love, and we plan to remain that way until death do us part.

So now I wonder how to be a sick mommy. My boy is obviously awake, but luckily he loves his crib and is still happy, so I don’t have to feel too guilty about still being in bed. With his teething, he’s a lot more cuddly. And twitchy. He won’t sit on the floor and play by himself without tons of encouragement. I can do that, but I can’t kiss him like crazy and play with him and chuck him around with full )or any) energy. I’m just not here enough, you know?

Could be a challenging day. Hope he forgives me in advance for all the mistakes I’ll make.