An Oversight with the Kitchen Tidying…

I’m feeling SO productive in the tidying and reorganizing of my kitchen! The big messy drawers are getting WAY cleaner and it all makes so much more sense! I think the pantry is DONE for the moment, which feels awesome. I was able to combine a few drawers, throw a TON away, and just feel cleansed! I still haven’t jumped on the konmari thing, though I plan to give it a watch soon enough. But for now, the current plan isn’t minimalism, but better organization. For instance, I have a drawer for all the big utensils. Serving spoons, scrapers, lifters, etc. I flat our refuse to throw away my extras. I want more than two serving spoons! I just do! Lol! So I have probably five of those, probably more rubber scrapers, and at least one of everything else! But thats our life!

I have to add an aside in here. Good music makes such a difference for me when I want to be productive! The new Marianas Trench album is SO GOOD!! Give it a listen if you can. For sure the song “Wish You Were Here.” Its so fun!

My oversight in all of this is that I want to show you guys what I’ve accomplished, but I didn’t take before pictures!!! So while it all looks SO much better to me, its still full and might not look tidy to others. So I’m a tad bummed about that, but maybe you’ll just have to trust me!

Its still not done done. I have a big shelf in my furnace room with things like preserves, extra boxes of ziploc bags, some small appliances, and a gigantic roaster. I need to make decisions about where those will live, and I’d so much rather have most of it up here. I don’t want to forget to use what we have! But we’ll have to see. As soon as we sheet the furnace room walls, we can put up shelves, and I can make more intentional choices.

Brady’s on his way home from a morning of work, and I anticipate we’ll take a little lunch break together. After that, I think I’m ducking out for an hour or so for a coffee break, when Brady will probably jump into our taxes. He worked like a dog on them the other day and claims to be about 90% done! Woot! SO ready to have those behind us! No return for us, but its good to get one year wiped off the books and be confident that we set enough aside every cheque!

Speaking of productivity, yet another trailer got dropped off in front of our house today! I guess that means the eavestrough guys are on their way over in the next day or two. Stuff is getting done around here! I think this brutal stretch of cold would feel so much worse if we were all just sitting…