Brunch, Music, and my Pantry

Waverly did not sleep well last night, so neither did Brady and I. She’s not slept great over the last couple of days, and while I want to continue on the path of gently sleep training her, she’s been a bit off and not eating very well either. If she’s feeling anything like I felt last week, I want to make sure she’s as comfortable as possible. So, we get up with her, feed her the bit she’ll drink, and put her back to sleep.

A couple of broken nights, plus attitudes that make me want to tear out the rest of my hair, kept us home this morning. The last few days have just been too much. So rather, we invited my mom over for a waffle brunch and to hang out for the morning. We’re all tired, plus she hurt her back and wasn’t going to make it to church, either. Hanging out at home and taking it easy felt like a better choice. We ate waffles and bacon and fruit salad, and we all enjoyed each others company. It was really, really nice.

The only real goal for the day is to listen to the new Marianas Trench album!! You guys know they’re my guilty pleasure band. They just put out a new album. I preordered it in February, it released on March 1st, and I still haven’t listened to it! The days have just been too big. But we’re going to see them in concert later this month and we need to know it well by then! So today is the day šŸ™‚ Even if we have to load everyone into the van and go for a drive on this (yet again) frigid winter day JUST to contain everyone in a quiet place to listen to it, we will!

Something else I’ve been working on is our pantry! It started yesterday and has run into today. We’ve lived her for about 2.5 years now, and while our kitchen makes sense, there are a few cupboards that don’t make a ton of sense, and our pantry is a bit of a mess. I’d love to make sense of it all, meaning have all the food where it makes sense, have the little kitchen appliances where they make sense, and things like ice cream pails and containers like that all where they make sense. If any of this makes sense, lol! I was inspired while watching a family on YouTube the other day to be more intentional to eat what we have without always restocking things immediately, so nothing gets forgotten. A couple of times a year, this family goes a month without buying anything that isn’t fresh or a necessity, and they eat their pantry and freezers empty. I LOVE that idea, and thats what prompted the big reorganize. I’m not sure I’ll actually bite the bullet on the month without grocery shopping, but I’m happy to say I actually know what I have now, I’ve purged out a ton of expired things, and I’m excited to be a bit more diligent. I’m also happy to say that none of it was as out of control as I had anticipated. Now things are organized! There’s still work to do, but I’m so happy its coming together, even if its taken a couple of years. The freezer is next, but since that lives in our unheated garage, that’ll have to wait for another time šŸ˜‰

Tomorrow will be another busy, freezing, hopefully productive day! Brady will go to work, Dekker will go to school, and work will continue on our basement. (Update on the basement Wednesday, I believe!) Ideally, I’d love to feel productive myself as well, whether that means more work in the kitchen, or maybe in the boys closet. Dekker and Rowan’s closet is SUCH a mess. I got Laela and Solly’s cleaned out the other day, but the boys is a way bigger job. Maybe I’ll bring everyone up with me and we can do some work in my room, even! Orrrrr we’ll lurk on the couch if Wavy is still grumpy and extra needy. We’ll see! I’m torn between giving myself a break, because Monday, or kicking the week off right, because Monday!

Wavy decides!