An Update on Brady

I realize that our daily life, while it seems boring and frustrating in the moment, might be of interest to at least some of you. So I’m going to give you a quick rundown of whats new with Brady, how he’s doing, and where he’s at with treatment.

Brady has entered the outpatient rehab program at City Hospital. So far, its nothing too riveting. He’s been given some more stretches to do, and he really likes them actually! Its a quick circuit and it helps immensely with his headaches. Win! Through the program, the ball is also rolling on getting his AFO (brace) split at the ankle so it has a hinge. Up until now, its been fixed, and now Brady has enough strength that the fixed brace holds him back. Time for a hinge at the ankle! Hopefully next week he can actually see the doctor who needs to sign off on it, and then go forward with the change!

You probably remember that Brady finished his radiation treatment a few weeks ago. He has a phone appointment next week to speak to his systemic oncologist to discuss the next steps. Yes, folks, Brady does still have to go through chemotherapy :/ We are NOT looking forward to it, but we feel peace with the decision. Last we talked to that particular oncologist, she was still unsure about how long the treatment would go for, be is 6 – 12 months. She was still awaiting results of molecular pathology, so hopefully thats back by now and we can all make a concrete plan together. It will likely begin this month, and it is daunting. We are nervous to say the least, but we are praying protection over Brady’s body, and trusting God in the process. Working HARD to get the lake all set up before Brady is hypothetically down and out again. (Whooooo wants to come help us build a deck this Saturday?? Anyone?!)

Brady has been using a loaner wheelchair from the hospital since he left, but this week the purchase order for HIS wheelchair went through! We have another few weeks to wait, but he is SO excited to finally get his own chair that is fit for him! With that, he also qualified for the funding of a second set of tires that resemble mountain bike tires, which will be SO good for the lake. Lastly, they approved him for a super cool motorized attachment for his chair. It’ll basically make his chair into a scooter, but without having a whole scooter to store. I’ll show you when he gets it. It is going to be AMAZING for our longer family walks, or going around the pond. Man. You don’t realize how sloped the world is until you’re pushing yourself through it on wheels!

I think thats it?? If anyone has questions, please ask. We are not afraid of offended. Sometimes we forget what is old news to us and new news to you 🙂

Thank you, all, for following and caring and praying and supporting us in so many ways! Our family is overwhelmed.

Ken Underwood

Hailey, thank you for sharing this! Again, Caleb asks for prayer for his uncle on a daily basis at our morning devo here at Camp Evergreen. I may have mentioned this earlier, but I too have walked along a spouse who has undergone chemotherapy and surgery for cancer. So, I think that I can honestly say, I know what you are going through, not your exact circumstances, but close. They are challenging, but God is good! I am so thankful that I had His hand to hold on to as well. There were some pretty dark days in there. Prayerfully we are on the other side now. I love seeing how God shows Himself to us during these times. We had such an outpouring of love and support from our church community and our camp community. May God richly bless you, (as HE has no doubt), may you feel His peace and comfort during these days ahead. Watching your life partner and best friend go through chemo is hard. I watched as my wife had 6 tries to hit a vein one time. She was so calm about it. She had an IV in from being in the hospital already, so they were able to use that. But man, I think that was one of the hardest days that I have ever walked through, and only by HIs grace was I able to make it. Later that day when I came back to camp, I had the opportunity to participate in a baptism for one of our staff. How amazing is our God! I pray that you and Brady will be able to reveal the love and grace and healing of a loving Lord and Savior to those around you and beyond. Again, thank you for sharing. Ken Underwood