Round Two at the Lake

Today begins round two of Brady and I going to the lake without the kids! This will be the last time, which I am completely happy with 🙂 Its been SUCH a joy to get some things organized, as well as having some time of refreshment, just the two of us. We are loving our time out here together, but we are also SO excited to get the kids here!!! And so are they! Hopefully very very soon.
The drive up felt different than the drive last weekend. Almost more like old times? We talked about all kinds of non-stressful things, listened to good music, and time flew! At least for me. We were at our spot in no time!!
I unloaded the van into the camper and Brady emptied the cooler and got the food organized. Together, we got the AC working! Just think. Last weekend, we needed a heater, and this weekend, we need AC! We are thankful that we have both options! Our little spot here is just so cozy and perfect for us and the months ahead. I hope it feels as havenish this summer as it does right now.
Currently Brady is outside, counting the lumber package. The deck build begins tomorrow! We weren’t able to wrangle up much help this time, unfortunately, but we have received literally ALL the help we’ve asked for (and not asked for, for that matter) for the last few months! So we are not dismayed, and we’re looking forward to putting together as much of it as we can tomorrow! We like to work together, and we’re both handy. HA! Handi joke. Its going to be good, I’m confident 🙂 Its going to come together. It always does. God knows what we need.
Before ANY kind of building begins, though, something exciting came in the mail!!! Our portable hand controls for the golf cart have arrived, and we are EAGER to put them on so Brady can take it out for a spin!! That will be especially victorious!!
Have a beautiful weekend, friends! Enjoy they heat when its there, and the rain when its there. Both are goooood!!!


I’m sorry I missed this comment!! We have a spot at Christopher Lake 🙂 Up north, just past PA