Another, Only Nine Days Later

Exciting news! Nine days ago, I told you Rowan lost his FIRST TOOTH!!! And yesterday, surprise surprise, he lost the one just beside it!

The following story hopefully shows you how much braver I am than I used to be, haha!

Rowan discovered two days ago that he had a second wiggly tooth. It bugged him almost right off the bat. I don’t know how I carried loose teeth for weeks and weeks. My kids cannot hack loose teeth, and work them out within a couple of days. But guys, I am NOT into losing teeth. Its gross. Thats not my gig.

Until it had to be.

Rowan got up from his nap yesterday afternoon complaining about his loose tooth. It was a little sideways in its spot, kind of out of left field. I lightly tapped it and it moved like crazy. I knew that it would drive him up the wall until it was out, and I knew he wasn’t going to pull it. And I knew he was a screamy kid. So it seemed like a special trifecta I was going to have the honour of participating in.

It went like this.

Me: Do you want me to pull it?
Rowan: *whiny sound for about five seconds* Will it hurt?
Me: Not too much, nope. But a little.
Rowan: Well……… Ok, you can try.
Me: Ok. Let me go get a kleenex. Don’t scream at me, ok?
Rowan: I’ll try not to.
Me: Ok, I’ll try to get it nice and quick, and you try not to get mad at me. Deal?
Rowan: Deal.
Me: *put kleenex over tooth, yank*
Tooth: *still the heck in there*
Me: 😳
Rowan: 😳
Me: *pulls tooth again*
Tooth: *pop*

Woot!! Just like that, on the second try, it was out! Lol! 🤦‍♀️
#momfail #thefailyhailey

‘Twas a success story I was too eager to wait for Melatonin Monday to share with you guys 🙂 The fact that I didn’t get it the first time and he didn’t completely lose it is astounding! Not long ago, it would’ve been an open door for a complete and utter meltdown. And now, we just waited for the next try, completely calm.

Completely calm.

He was jubilant! We celebrated together, and then he easily hopped on to go play, halfway forgetting his news until I prompted him to tell everyone.

I am disappointed that masking has taken away his opportunity to show off his cute little tooth space to his friends, but more so, I am SO impressed with Rowan and the progress he’s been making!