Stuff Solly Says

This kid could write a book. Or I could write it about all the things he says. I really should record more than I do. As I type this, I’m already afraid that this is one of those “you had to be there” situations, but if thats the case, 🤷‍♀️ I guess you had to be there!

The other day, Solly was particularly cute.

He had been really extra friendly and agreeable with everyone. Ate his breakfast without a fight. Didn’t doddle through getting ready. Let me tie his hair up. Everything. He was so cooperative.

He was SO cute, and then he was SO happy to go to preschool, and he was SO sweet when I went to pick him up. Little sweetheart.

He ate his lunch better than usual. It was SUCH a relief to me, when I usually have to ride him to keep him on task. But he was just in way better shape than usual. When he left the table, he was just being so stinking adorable, and I finally bubbled over.

“Solly, you are just SO cute today!!! My goodness!!”

And his response was:

“😳 … and imagine if eggs were ALIVE!”

And then he was off to the bathroom, while I was folded over in the kitchen, laughing my guts out. I hear him bellow from the bathroom, “and then they could eat you with their mouths!”

Yes. He started both thoughts with “and.” His brain must just go and go!

That kid, though. He is SO funny!

I am very excited to see who he grows into over the years! I sure love you, Solly Wolly!