Appointments and Shopping and Pictures

I’m excited to talk a bit about my day today, but there are a few things I have wanted to add in here for a while, but having been too lazy to load pictures off of my phone onto my computer, they’ve been delayed. So, looking back over a few days…

I made this!!! I made baby girl a toque and Dekker desperately wanted to wear it, so I made him a slouchy one :) Boys can wear slouchies, right?
I made this!!! I made baby girl a toque and Dekker desperately wanted to wear it, so I made him a slouchy one πŸ™‚ Boys can wear slouchies, right?
Attacking Deks outside of Montanas
Attacking Deks outside of Montanas
One of my BRAND NEW wet bags >:(
One of my BRAND NEW wet bags >:(
What bedtime cuddles look like now that I can't breathe if Dekker lays on me. Plus I think its uncomfortable for him to lay on top of the belly anyway.
What bedtime cuddles look like now that I can’t breathe if Dekker lays on me. Plus I think its uncomfortable for him to lay on top of the belly anyway.
Deks found baby headbands :) Enough said.
Deks found baby headbands πŸ™‚ Enough said.
This one was from a website I was using to look up some cloth diaper stuff. Seriously?! That is now how I check baby's diaper. I see a lot of handfuls of poop in that parents future.
This one was from a website I was using to look up some cloth diaper stuff. Seriously?! That is now how I check baby’s diaper. I see a lot of handfuls of poop in that parents future.

Back to today! I’m going to be honest, right off the hop. Our entire day looked like this:



But we decided to try the positive approach and just go with it the best we could.

We had a full day scheduled, and got up in decent time to get to my first appointment on time. Waxing at 11:30. I love my waxing girl and as always, I totally enjoyed having my hair ripped out. No lie. I find it a comforting spa treatment and I feel very pampered having it done. Plus she always asks about my kids and how the pregnancy is going. I know she jots down how many weeks pregnant I am in my chart so she can know the next time I come in. I love.

While I was being doted on, the boys went to pick up lunch for us and Brady fed Dekker. So when I was done and back out in the car, I could just eat while Brady drove. He drove us to the mall where I did my first of four diaper drop offs! I put in a large order of diapers not too long ago for a group of us who all wanted to avoid shipping. However, it was then my job to disburse them to the rightful owners. So I left the first chunk with the “diaperers” mom at her work and continued on my way.

We hit up Dollarama really quickly for garbage bags and, not finding what I was looking for, came out with all our mini stuff to pack in the hospital bag!

There is another toothbrush holder, but it was doubling as one of Dekkers toys at this moment.
There is another toothbrush holder, but it was doubling as one of Dekkers toys at this moment.

After that quick stop, we headed to my prenatal appointment. We arrived fifteen minutes early and met another diaperer at the front entrance and made the exchange. I’m not going to lie. It felt like what I imagine a drug deal feels like. Bag exchanged for cash, very little said, aviators worn, stuff like that. Yet I made very little and she got diapers. So I’m pretty sure its different…

I really enjoyed our doctors appointment, like always. Heard a steady heartbeat, got to ask my questions, discussed birth plans a little, all the good stuff. Baby is still head down, which feels great to know. I mentioned to her that I was wondering about babys size. Mostly out of curiosity based on Dekker’s size, but also based on the fact that she can kick so high up and it absolutely kills me in the nether regions. Maybe she’s just tall. She explained that those muscles get more and more that way with each pregnancy. And then when she measured my uterus, it was smaller than it was 3 weeks ago! A little strange, and I’m sure its ok, but (I totally love her) she said if I would feel better booking an ultrasound she would be more than happy to give me a requisition for one. YES! I was really hoping for that! I’ve never had a scan where they estimate anything about size, or any kind of ultrasound this late! I’m really excited to call and book it tomorrow.

I ducked back into the mall after that appointment to meet the third diaperer and make another “deal.” Her baby girl was sooo friendly and cute! And exchange was quick, and once it was done, I headed to the upper level of the mall to visit Jerilee at her work. It was walking up that ramp where I realized just how much pain I was in. I was sore all morning, as in more sore than usual, but I only noticed in this moment just how sore I was. I was waddling. And not the cute, pregnant lady waddle. The sooo broken waddle. I sucked it up and kept on keeping on, visited my Jerilee for a few minutes, and then called Brady and asked him to drive closer instead of me having to walk back down to the lower level to find them back at the car, which of course he did. It seemed to get amazingly worse very quickly after that. We headed for Old Navy to buy our little girl her coming home outfit next πŸ™‚ I mentioned this on Facebook the other day. It is way too expensive to really justify but my loving mother in law offered to pay for it! So we got to the store and they didn’t have it :*( Completely sold out! Luckily its still available in the right size online and since the order will be over $50, the shipping will be free. Win! We did pick up a shirt for Dekker though.



We think its cute.

However, I was completely miserable in Old Navy. Sooo much pain. So Brady ducked outside with Dekker and called my chirporactor, Dr Mike. They could fit me in very quickly, with just enough room to run into Wamart first. So we sped through Walmart, bought two colors of soft baby yarn, and then headed back to my chiro office.

Just setting foot in there brings me relief. I barely sat for a minute before they put me in a room. I waited there for maybe two minutes before Dr Mike came in. He asked how I was feeling and I told him I would rather remove my legs with my bare hands than have them attached to me feeling the way they feel. A little dramatic maybe, but not far off. I described the pain as more sharp and pretty much unbearable as opposed to heavy or throbbing. And then he asked this question that I haven’t been able to put into words until today. He asked if I felt safe walking, and I didn’t understand completely what he meant, so he said “Are you bracing for every step, as if you’re going to go down?” YES! “Pubic pain too?” Tons! He did his regular check over me and then said “Well, its gonna get weird in here.”

He wasn’t kidding. He did the rest of his normal stuff but I could tell that he wasn’t happy with me at all. With my body anyway. I asked him what I had done to be so far gone, having only seen him last week, but he said it was all just from being pregnant and my body getting ready to have the baby.

And then the shocker. He asked me to stand up and started to take his belt off. I was somewhat taken aback, but I trust the guy, so I just went with it. He laughed and reminded me that he had warned me. And I reminded him that I just wanted my legs to feel better so he could just do what he needed to do. He wrapped his belt viciously tight around my hips, to a point where he had to fight to close it. Then he told me to walk around the room a little bit. AMAZING relief! Incredible! I mean, it wasn’t perfect, but everything was pretty angry. He explained that my ligaments have basically given up, and all that was holding my pelvis together was my muscles. And muscles get tired. He said they could order me a specific belt to wear but likely it would come too late, so he gave me instructions for what to look for and where to wear it on my body and sent me on my way. It was probably the funniest appointment I’ve ever had at that office, but WOW did I learn a lot. The second the belt was off and I was back in the car, my body was aching to be all held together again. Thanks to everyone who offered to lend me one! My girlfriend Hailey has me covered πŸ™‚

On our way out of Saskatoon, I did our last diaper drop. I swapped out six of my Kawaii diapers for six gdiapers. We’ll see how they go. I figure having other brands is probably good. Plus, they’re size small, which will be nice for the newbie before she fits well into the one sizes. But when that was done, we finallyΒ headed home. Nope, didn’t even get to grocery shopping. I knew I was finished, and so was Dekker for sure!

Brady has tomorrow off, but not really. He’s heading back to the city for the grocery shop, and then to get all the stuff he needs to fix the wheel bearings on his van, and change the oil in both vehicles. So I won’t see him at all. But I have an amazing friend coming to play with Dekker and I for the afternoon, and possibly help me get into gear to cross some stuff off my list. I’m really looking forward to that, to be honest!!!

I’m so blessed hey? My husband came to run errands with me all day, and chase our sad toddler. And I have mentioned three amazing girlfriends of mine just in this post alone!

God is good.