Rainy Day

I loved today! It was perfect and quiet and chilly and uneventful.

Dekker slept ridiculously late. While he slept the morning away, I spent time on the phone with one of my sisters and one of my girlfriends. It was nice to catch up with people I love from the comfort of my bed while eating breakfast. It was also raining and all my windows were open, so I could enjoy the sounds and the breeze.

I eventually got Dekker up from the night and fed him his “breakfast.” Then we went downstairs to play toys. The plumber was going to come by today or tomorrow but it turned out it wasn’t today, which was nice actually 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, I’m completely happy he’s coming to fix a problem for us, but it was nice to be undisturbed. We just played. We played until it was nap time for both Dekker and I. I am definitely at a stage in my pregnancy where I’m just tired, no matter what. I didn’t experience a lot of pregnancy fatigue last time around at all, but I sure have this time! Errand days in Saskatoon are pretty much out of the question unless I have help.

Which I have! Brady worked like a dog these last couple of days to make it possible to accompany me to my doctors appointment and then help me with whatever I had planned for the afternoon. Needless to say, I’ve filled it up with a leg waxing appointment, dropping off and swapping out some diapers with other cloth diapering moms, grocery shopping, visiting Jerilee at work, and possibly shopping for a few other things since we’ll be right near a Target. While I was plunked on the couch downstairs this afternoon, I tried to set up tomorrow and get as organized as possible. I’m sure I’ll forget something important but I’ll do my best and the worst case scenario leaves me back in Saskatoon sometime next week, which will happen anyway, as it always does.

So I enjoyed today. It was low key and not demanding at all. Yet I got set up for tomorrow and did some dishes, so it wasn’t totally unproductive. Yay us!


*PS: Thanks everyone for the LACK of backlash form yesterdays post 🙂 I appreciate the love and support.