
Its so nice to be together with all my siblings again 🙂 We have stayed up solidly late catching up and I am completely whooped, so this will be short and sweet, just like Dekker.

The drive was shorter than I thought it would be, and Deks did great. We took advantage of free slurpee day on the way out, and snacked on peaches and nectarines that I had chopped up before we left. Leave it to our fruit to ripen as soon as we’re ready to leave. We arrived at the condos around the same time as my parents, and my siblings were soon to follow. Now we’re all set up in our rooms comfortably and anticipating swimming, visiting, eating, and just general togetherness for the next few days.

Well, baby girl is not impressed with having the laptop resting on even the very top of her house, so thats it for us! Sleep well, friends!