Unproductive Productivity

Today was a loaded day!! I’ll try and remember as much as possible.

I woke up at 4:30am, which sucked. I peed and took a Zantac for my wild acid reflux and tried to go back to sleep. Nothing doing. So I lay in bed silently for a good hour, just feeling the baby move and daydreaming. Finally I grabbed my phone and played a little Sudoku, just willing Brady to wake up. He finally started to stir and opened his eyes shortly after 8am. I was wide-eyed and being a total dork, trying to make him stay awake because I had been bored and alone for hours. So he finally woke up to watch Netflix with me, and I fell asleep 🙁 Worst wife award goes to me!

When we were all up, we went over the list for the day. Dekker had his breakfast and we got a good start on laundry and dishes. The little boy was pretty hands-on today and didn’t let us run around too much or get too much done. So we hung out downstairs doing laundry while Dekker played, and we watched a bit of tv. When Deks went down for his nap, we broke for lunch before doing anything else. When lunch was over, however, we kicked it into high gear. We baked 80 cookies and made a peanut butter marshmallow square dessert as well for this weekend. It didn’t actually take too terribly long, since they were SUCH easy cookies and each batch of two cookie sheets was done in about ten minutes. Best cookies ever!

When the baking was done, so were my feet. I went and sat in bed to fold up laundry. I mentioned yesterday that I bought that huge pile of receiving blankets right? 15 blankets for $2. Now these are some pretty tiny receiving blankets and I honestly wouldn’t even fathom using them for my inevitably huge children, but thanks to a little bit of figuring, I discovered that my two dollars has bought me about 55 cloth wipes! Go me and a zigzag stitch!! I’m actually pretty excited about them.

Pretty quick after all of that, Dekker was back up and needing pretty constant attention. So we fed him, put in more dishes, and printed off our packing list. Yes, I need lists to survive now, so I have a “master packing list” on my computer than I typed up a while ago and we just alter it depending on where we’re going and the season we’re going in. So while we didn’t even touch packing today, at least we have the list ready!

After a tear-free bath, Dekker went down at his normal time, and Brady and I pulled out the cookies to ice them all up. Mmmmm, homemade oreos! It didn’t take too long and we finally indulged and ate one at the end. Its probably strange, but I’m almost never hungry for what I bake. I think I just don’t react well to being around the smell of it, so when the opportunity to eat it comes around, I’m bored of it already. Who knows. But I can vouch for those cookies. They are delicious. I even ran a few across the street for my pregnant friend to enjoy as a guilty pleasure treat. Also for the visit. We used to get together regularly but we’ve both turned into borderline hermits the last little while. I blame the weather.

The last thing I’ll talk about really quickly today is Dekker looking sooo grown up!! Keep in mind the picture of him with his haircut yesterday…



And compare it to this photo of him exactly four weeks ago.

Little guy sitting in his playhouse

Mind blowing, right?! Gone is my little babyish boy. Now I have my big boy who is sooo ready to be a brother and to protect and love on his little sister. I’m so excited to take him to see family this weekend so he can get all caught up with a couple of his cousins again, and his aunties and uncles. Family is sweet.

I know there is a lot I’m forgetting about today, but while I feel like we got lots done, I also feel like we didn’t accomplish anything compared to the amount of hours in a day! But we did ok. We’ll pack in the morning. And guys, I’m even going to pack some crocheting stuff! I have an idea brewing.

If anyone feels an overwhelming desire to weed our garden this weekend, you are more than invited. If not, I do not blame you one bit. So. Many. Weeds.

So. Many. Mosquitos.