Baby Brags

It can’t be surprising that I’ll be bragging up my babies on this post, right? I mean, anyone who reads this won’t find it too shocking or annoying, right? Well, either way, I love my children every single day, but then there are days where I find an even deeper love for them. Like today.

I guess I’ll just go in chronological order of events, as I can’t specifically put them in an order from best to worst. I’ll leave my favorite for last though. The first one doesn’t have a story with it. Its just a picture 🙂 Most of you have probably seen it on Facebook or Instagram, but I couldn’t resist.

IMG_3707This kid just makes me laugh. His hair is hilarious almost always, but especially first thing in the morning. He’s so adorable!

After breakfast, Dekker was building “buses” and was showing them off very proudly. I asked him to show me his bus and smile for the camera. And I got…


Once Laela woke up from her morning nap, I brought her downstairs. She didn’t last too long before she was crying. Sometimes Dekker gets nervous when she just cries and cries, so I asked him if he wanted to come up with me while I made her a bottle in the kitchen. He shook his head “no.” So I passed him Laela’s toy Sophie and said he could play with her and try to cheer her up. He took the toy and stood by her, but just stared at me. So I went to the stairs and went up one step, but then lingered behind the wall, waiting to hear what he would do. And all of a sudden, he’s in my view. He had walked over to the side and peeked up the stairs. He saw me and waved, saying “bu-bye.” He totally kicked me out of my own basement!!! So I laughed and headed up stairs and while I made the bottle, I hear the giraffe squeaking like crazy. It warmed my heart. Clearly, Dekker is old enough to do a few jobs on his own.

A somewhat awkward story to tell about myself is next. I was sitting in our recliner downstairs while Dekker built cars on the table next to me, when I farted. He looked over at me and said “Pookie!” That means “poop” for him. I assured him I hadn’t pooped. Somewhat determined to prove me wrong, he dug into the side of the chair I was sitting on, trying to point at my bum. “Mum! Pookie!” I laughed at him and said that I had just farted. He, surprisingly, burst out laughing! After a few moments of belly laughing, he sighed and said “Oh wow…” It was completely hilarious how he seemed to really either think our interaction was funny, or he was putting on that he completely understood when he didn’t. Either way, it was funny.

When Laela had finished eating, I put her on a mat on her tummy to play. I can’t believe that public health wants babies on their tummies for an hour and a half per day! When Laela lasts five or ten minutes, I call that a HUGE success! I really don’t push the tummy time at all. But it doesn’t bug her too much so sometimes I lay her down just to see what she’ll do. Today, she got a bit annoyed and really gave rolling a go. It didn’t work out, but she had her back arched and was all wobbly. It seemed hopeful, but not for this moment. Maybe soon. When she started fussing, this happened.

IMG_3711Dekker was immediately concerned and came to lay beside her. Once he was there, he started making faces at her and rubbing her back. She calmed a little bit, and he mimicked her.

IMG_3716But not long after this, she came up to sit in her chair.

Probably just a few minutes later, Dekker pointed to the stairs and very clearly asked to go up. He really loves playing downstairs, and I was surprised he would want to leave. I asked what he wanted from upstairs and he lay down on the floor and said “ni-night.” I couldn’t believe it! I probably shouldn’t have, but I double and triple checked with him. I would say “You really want to go upstairs to sleep?” And he would respond with a big giggle and say “Sleep!!” Um…ok! I headed towards the stairs and he asked to be held. So I carried him up the stairs. Well, that was the biggest, limpest rag doll I had ever held! He didn’t put up a fuss at all and just smiled while I tucked him in. Unbelievable! To those of you who think I force my kids to nap, or just lock them away, see?!?! He desires and requires his sleep!

Once Deks was sleeping, I had a bit of one on one time with Laela. She was fussing with a wet diaper, so I lay her on the ground and opened her sleeper. And she giggled and smiled and celebrated with anticipation! I am so excited to see that she’s learning those things!!! She’s already growing up.

Brady got Dekker up for suppertime, and he put up a bit of a fuss. Sometimes, sitting still through a meal is hard. Dekker had maple flavored oatmeal with raisins for supper. He really liked it, but lost interest and was asking to leave the table. Three bites of supper does not fill that boy! So I gave Brady the portion I knew Dekker wouldn’t eat, and then started eating their bites together, on the count of three. It was a HUGE hit! Dekker loved it, and I don’t think Brady had any issues, as he likes oatmeal. I wouldn’t be as cooperative, as I can’t stand the stuff. But it worked out, and he ate his whole serving, plus milk. I’ve noticed he is drinking considerable less milk now that he’s leaning to use a cup, but I remember having the same worry when he went from a bottle to a sippy cup, and eventually that evened out too.

Anyway, this is a long post for just a few stories that I find endearing. Maybe I’ll be the only one, but I guess thats all that matters, right?

Yikes!! Over a thousand words?!? I’m calling it an night! Sleep well, friends.