Baby Therapy

I’ve often joked that Waverly should be a therapy dog.

Today was a bit of a rough one. I’ll tell you all about it another day. Maybe tomorrow. I cried a lot today, but it was pretty cleansing and relieving. I got home from an appointment and had a bath. That felt good, too. The highlight of today was the snuggles with Waverly. 

I haven’t gotten to hold her as much recently, with my wrists and hands and all the pain I’m working with/around. She knows I can’t pick her up as often, so she doesn’t come to me as often. Today, she got sad right when it was time for Brady to pick the kids up from school. (Yes, Brady was home today! ❤️) So he brought her to me, where I was sulking in bed. It was the best. 

She lay still on me for a long, long time. Maybe a half hour. I had a few good cozy moments where I was brought back to her newbornhood. 

The day has improved, for sure. But I’m tired. Emotions are tough. I used to cry a lot more than I do now. I don’t resist it, but I don’t cry very much anymore. When I do, I feel great, and way lighter, usually. But, exhausted. And that’s today. 

Tv and leftover pizza is the order of the evening! 


So sorry that today was a tough one, but can I just point out how awesome your hair is looking? Love it. Hope tomorrow is brighter for you friend 😊


Well thank you!! The trick I’ve used to keep the colour looking so rich for four-ish months is to never ever EVER wash it 😳