Taking Down Christmas

Today was finally the day we took down Christmas. And by “Christmas,” I mean only the tree. And by “we” I mean Brady and the kids, because I’m pretty hands-off these days. 

Truly, though, Dekker did most of the work ❤️ 

Dekker is finally feeling more confident, and his pain is less! His teacher texted me on Friday after school telling me he participated in some free play in the gym, and he was “beaming.” She said he started taking breaks from his sling, which I was so happy to hear! I’ve been suggesting that but he hasn’t been particularly keen on the idea. But I’m sure being at school and wanting to run with his friends helps a lot! His teacher and I will discuss his activities on Monday, but I assume he’ll be on his way to pretty normal activity soon 🙂 Though, will that little collarbone bump be there forever? Because that sucker is NOT smooth at all. Maybe its scar tissue. But like, bone tissue? 🤔 Is that a thing? 

So our tree is packed up back in the garage for another year, but the trees above our cabinets, indoor lights, and mistletoe live on for a while still! With the basement pretty much done, I’m excited to start moving things to where they belong, and now that the tree is down and the toys have moved downstairs from the living room, its time to figure out how our living room will end up! Lots of change going on around here!