Back to an Old Task

I’ve recently picked back up on saving blog posts into books. You probably all know this, but I save every six months of blogging into a book form. The goal has NEVER been to sell them, but just to have a hard copy for when, one day, I inevitably shut “The Daily Hailey” down. It takes a decent amount of work, but when I really buckle down, I can save maybe a month-ish worth of blog in an hour or two.

Life doesn’t provide us with a ton of spare time, but I’m currently a year and a half behind! Whoops! So this last week or two, I’ve been just dipping my toes back into saving posts, and all the nitpicky details that go into that.

I saved July 2017 and began August. Aaaaand now I remember why I put a pause on this project. We lost Jamin that summer.

Currently, the page sitting open, ready to be saved and formatted into the book is August 15th. We found out about Jamin’s passing on the 17th. I delivered him on the 18th, and shared it with you on the 19th. The weeks following that were SO sorrowful. Sure, time has passed, but I admit I’m nervous to go back through those posts. Part of me wants to just disconnect and save them without thinking. Just copy, paste, copy, paste, save, save, save. There won’t be many pictures to add, so they’ll be uncomplicated. Yet half the fun to saving posts is scanning back through them and remembering the times we had. I hate disconnecting on purpose, and shutting off my feelers, but I don’t want to relive those days and weeks. Like, ever. But they’re important times. I don’t know what to think.

The thing is, I saved the post about Theo passing away a while ago. I get many more comments on Facebook than I do on the blog, which is fine, but as a rule, I don’t save the Facebook comments. I made an exception for the post about Theo’s passing because of the amazing outpouring of love we received. Do I do that again? For sure for the post about Jamin’s initial passing, but there was SO much for SO long. But those comments were raw and sorrowful, and rightfully so. I’m not sure I’d ready to re-read them all.

I don’t know what to do. I wish I could just have someone else save these next weeks for me. But I’m pretty sure it has to be me. Here goes..