Painting with Grandma

Brady got asked to help with music in church this morning in the form of drumming, but instead of all of us going, I opted to keep the kids at home. My throat has been itchy and tight for a couple of days now, so I thought a home day would be best. I would love to NOT get sick right away here.

We invited my mom to spend the day with us, as we usually do on Sundays. She too has been feeling less than 100%, and was staying home from church. I told her to feel free to come anytime, and she asked if she could bring a craft to do with the kids. Of course you can!

Brave Grandma chose painting!

It took a bit of setup. She had SO MANY paints and supplies, yet somehow kept it simple and doable and fun! When it was finally ready, things went surprisingly smoothly!

The kids had SO much fun! Eventually the young ones petered out and went to find something else to do, but Dekker and Laela painted to the bitter end.

Church went long, and Brady arrived around 12:30. We had a supper lunch of macaroni and a big chunky salad with cottage cheese and all kinds of yummy things. The afternoon has been filled with Lego, stories, and baths for the kids.

Breakfast sandwiches are in the works so I’ll keep this short! School starts again tomorrow!! Back to reality! I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed your holiday!!