Basement Update: Useable Space

This post is a LONG time coming! I so badly want to be able to announce that the basement is DONE, but its not. However, there are sizeable updates that are worth sharing becaaaaause *drumroll* its in official full use! 🥳 Originally, I didn’t want to do any living down there until it was DONE done, because once you settle in, the little details don’t seem as important. However, there is very little left, and opening it up for full use has been a HUGE relief to our family, and I’m SO thrilled! 

It’ll be a shorter list to tell you whats left to do, so here’s that. 

We haven’t done the drop ceiling. We will, but its oddly expensive for what it is, and we’re more inclined to save that money to put towards our fence in the Spring. 

We don’t have the hand towel bar for the bathroom. Who knew that towel bars are common but not shorty hand towel bars? So thats on order. 

Shelves!! This is a big one. I want shelving above my laundry machines, and we need shelves in our furnace room so we can properly store things off the floor in there. 

And guys, that’s basically it 🤷‍♀️ The rest is DONE! And its beautiful!!! 

Quick rundown time. 

Remember those super cozy couches we bought before Christmas? They’re perfect down here. SUPER cozy. The tv is rarely used, but we do listen to music on it, as well as the occasional movie and Bachelor night. Brady installed the surround sound speakers recently, so thats nice. The big white coffee table has made its way down there, and I like it way better!

Our laundry area is just a closet, which is not everyone’s jam. But we love it. This door track system was a large expense and kind of a pain to get locked down, but NO REGRETS! I bet Brady could write a post solely on that system. Except I wouldn’t let him. Because I”m embarrassed by how much it cost 🙈 Aaaaanyway, this place needs a a shelf along the top and maybe some super skinny cabinets next to the sink. But its close. 

I’m not going to show you the furnace room. Its still WAY too disorganized. But at least it has a door now. 

The kids toy area, I think I’ve showed you. We got that beautiful IKEA shelf recently. Again, no regrets. We have the big chair that came with our couch set turned around, so the kids have somewhere cozy to fight over 😳 I kind of don’t love it, though. Its a really big chair that I wasn’t expecting when I was looking for a couch set. I’m still hot and cold on it, honestly. It might need a new home. Any opinions on that, friends? 

We have one oddly shaped corner in the basement and were going to put a filing cabinet in there, but were given a big chest that comfortably holds our unreasonable amount of cozy blankets, and it lives there instead. Its a perfect fit. 

The bathroom is done except for that hand towel bar. 

The front bedroom is our “extra” room right now. Sometimes it has a spare bed set up in it. Other times it has the drum kit set up. It depends on the day. 

And the basement bedroom we use every day currently holds Dekker and Solomon! Its a nice fit. And because I know some of you are thinking it, yes, Solly is actually still in a crib! It seems crazy, but it isn’t. He never tries to climb out, and Dekker can easily lift him out if needed. Solly’s big boy is actually not so far behind at all 😉 Its possible we got it just the other day and haven’t made the switch quite yet. 

Thats basically it, folks. We hired out carpet, and taping. We had help with electric and plumbing. Otherwise, credit goes to Brady! I’m SO thankful for all of his hard work and drive to make this extra space for our family!! I still really want to decorate, even just a little, and make things a bit more us, but one thing at a time! We’re on our way!!

Who else wants Spring to come so we can start on the fence??? 🙋‍♀️ I can’t wait!!