Family Day 2020

I am so relieved to say that today has been a noticeably better day for our family 😁 It started with an early morning date with Cher, involving poor mans London fogs. The kids got up and ate real amounts of breakfast with little fight. Even Wavy, who has been boycotting most meals for about a week, ate lots and drank lots. It was awesome. And after a good breakfast, the kids played well, with very few arguments to break up or interference needed. They coloured and wrote up unused valentines cards. They read a lot and made paper airplanes. They snuggled a lot, and we listened to lots of music. It was really, really nice. 

Lunch went smoothly, without fight. Everyone ate great, and the younger ones went down for naps painlessly. It was oddly perfect. Then the big kids played lego together at the island and Cher and I took a bit of time to indulge in guilty pleasure Netflix. 

Everything has been nice post-naps as well. Solomon napped a little longer and was a bit disgruntled when he awoke, but thats not uncommon, and he’s rallied pretty easily! Waffle grilled cheese is on the menu for supper, because, delicious. 🤤 

I am SO thankful for such a smooth day! Thank you, Cher, for the role you play in our family ❤️ You are a huge part of why today was smooth. A big, giant part, even 😉

Often, on days that are “supposed” to be stat holidays, or days where we “should” be all together, the kids are super off, like they know Brady should” be with us. And today was just sweet, even though, of all days, Brady was not with us on Family Day. But now he’s home, and he CRUSHED his house, and even has a little bit of time at home ❤️ How perfect is it that his break falls over the kids break?! Thank you Lord! Your timing is ALWAYS aces!!