Being Healthy is Gross

I did it, guys. I was healthy today. And I really didn’t like it πŸ™ I’m gonna need some tips. Be cruel, even. I can take it.

I ate breakfast today, which is kind of a big deal. I had two eggs and a piece of toast, courtesy of the lovely Brady. It was towards the end of breakfast that I remembered that I want to take vitamins and fish oil now. I gave up on this massive horse pills and purchased a slightly lemon flavored fish oil that is beautifully natural, and contains lots of vitamin D. While it was significantly better that draining those pills into a shot glass and throwing it back, it was still icky. I dry heaved. But I took my two teaspoons like I was supposed to. I probably should have done it before I ate. Hopefully I’ll get used to it. At he end of the day, I still taste it when I burp. I also took a fat multivitamin, and it went down easier than the oil. I was having tea with breakfast, and I think taking the pill with something warm helped a little.

Around lunch, I opted for my green smoothie. As some of you know from my Facebook, I still have some figuring to do. I made a strawberry mango spinach smoothie, and it was pretty flavorless. I received sooo many good ideas on my status about it, and I think there is definitely hope πŸ™‚ Bananas, yogurt, honey, a splash of orange juice, and the reminder that fruit will soon be in season and will be juicier and much more delicious. I’m also remembering that one Pinterest recipe suggested lime juice. I had to add quite a bit of water to get the smoothie to actually be smooth, and I think that speaks to the quality of my blender. I wish I could justify going out and buying a beautiful, high quality blender, but as I mentioned, I’m pretty bad for getting revved up about something and wasting money trying it out. I’m pretty sure I need to rock this blender until it dies. Which may not be too long from now! When I finally got the smoothie blended up, the blender was quite warm. Who knows. Also, my smoothie pack yielded easily enough for two smoothies. Brady isΒ not pumped about the green aspect, so I’m on my own. Either way, I drank the whole thing. And it looked like barf, just fyi.



Not the fun, electric green I was hoping for :/

So I did my breakfast and vitamins and oil, my healthy smoothie, and then a soup out of my freezer – turkey barley, which was actually pretty yummy! I’m feeling like I made good choices today. Yet my mouth and tummy don’t feel happy πŸ™ Would that just be my body reminding me that I’m not super healthy and it’ll take a while to get there? I’m new to actually trying to be good to myself. Is it weird to feel discouraged after a day that, on paper, was good and well balanced?


I would definitely give it a little bit longer it’s probably just your body adjusting to larger food intake and a lot of vitamins. It’s hard on the stomach trying to digest all of that when you’re not used to it. If you’re still feeling icky after a couple days to a week I would suggest starting with just one thing, maybe eating better then add in the other stuff (smoothies, vitamins, fish oil etc) as you get used to it. The fish oil takes a bit of getting used to but it’s worth it. My advice is that it’s worse if you do it on an empty stomach and if you’re having a hard time with the taste of it coming back up all day take it with your supper or lunch even. I do mine with breakfast but if I haven’t eaten anything else yet it’s pretty gross. Also another thing I do (not that you have to just speaking from my experience) is take one teaspoon, have a bite of my breakfast right away then repeat so I don’t have the fish taste in my mouth for long. It works pretty well. Stick with it, it’ll be worth it.


I hadn’t thought of the fact that my body needs to adjust to all the change! I’ll give it a few days and if I really can’t pull it together, I may slow down. I’ve thought of even starting with just one tsp of fish oil per day until I’m less grossed out by it. I took it at the end of breakfast because I forgot, so I didn’t have much to help it go down and scratch it off my throat, haha! All good tips, thanks Deanne! I’ll take your experience any day!

mama jeanne

One thing I might suggest about smoothies is that I have found it works best if all the ingredients are not frozen…. for instance the orange juice or the banana. Then it is more liquidy somehow. Just a thought. Sorry you are discouraged. Maybe starting everything on the same day was a little hard for you beautiful system πŸ™‚ Hang in there Hailey. Very good effort. Sometimes things take a bit of time to figure out. I love you! Sleep in heavenly peace my dear.